CHAPTER 4: The Alpha's Room

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Chapter 4: The Alpha's Room

I was pacing back and forth in my designated room with my hands on my waist.

"An alpha never apologizes!" I mimicked his deep voice to myself with a roll of my eyes.

There was suddenly a knock on my door that had me instantly squaring my shoulders.

"Come in," I called out politely, to which Grace opened the door ajar. I was becoming familiar with her scent slowly, which will make it easier for me to tell when she is approaching me.

"Um, I had to remind you that there is a wedding rehearsal in a few hours. Before that, would you like me to give you a house tour?" She asked me nicely, but I could tell she was very sheepish by the way she played with the hem of her shirt. She may be hesitant to talk to me now after what occurred in the dining hall.

"Yes, sure," I nodded my head and smiled.

"Oh, great," she beamed before leading the way down the hall. I followed close behind her in the dim lit hallway as she skipped in her steps. "By the way, after seeing how you stood up to my brother, I've got to say I am so very glad that you are the Luna!"

I decided to stay quiet at that. God knows the truth of my disappointment at my fate will come out of my mouth if I decided to reply.

When we reached the hallway with a long window overlooking the thick forest under a dark grey sky is when Grace stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at me. "Liam always treated me like a pack member, never like his sister. I'm just happy to see that you are not letting him treat you less of a Luna. Just know I am in your team," she smiled before patting my shoulder and turning around to continue leading the way.

"Why is your brother so uptight?" I finally asked Grace, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"He became an Alpha too early is the only reason I can come up with. We lost our father when I was fifteen, and he was eighteen. Since he was the heir, he had to take the position at that age. Normally, new Alphas are appointed in their late twenties, but it wasn't like that with Liam," she slowed down to a walk beside me as she spoke.

I nodded my head, "But how does him becoming an Alpha at an early age have anything to do with how ruthless he is?"

Grace stopped in her tracks down a narrow dark hall that began curving towards another opening, and then she turned her head to look at me. Her eyes glazed as she said, "Liam was taught how to fight by our father when he was very young, but after he passed away, Liam was forced to learn many skills himself as he took the Alpha title early. The more patient you may have noticed he is before yours and his heated argument, the greater anger and stress he hides which he takes out on training ground or against rogues or spies trying to break into our territories. Not even a human is spared sometimes."

My heart skipped a leap as I processed the new found information. Yesterday, I was just an outsider listening to rumors of Liam's character and status across territories, and today, I am listening to facts. Although I know it is not right to judge anyone based on rumors, that is all our werewolf population thrived on.

To lose your father at a young age, and then being forced to lead a large pack when you should be grieving requires a strong heart.

"And this is Liam's room, that you will soon be sharing from tomorrow," she smiled widely, quickly bringing me back to reality.

I looked to my right and saw a big cliche black heavy door with a golden knob, and just looking at the entrance made me feel out of place.

Just yesterday morning I was sitting in the comfort of my own room, and now here I am being told that I will be living with Alpha Liam, who is known for having no mercy on the battle ground because he had more experience than other Alphas in his position.

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