CHAPTER 5: The Forest Escapade

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Chapter 5: The Forest Escapade 

"We'll see about that," his words echoed in my ears as I continued glaring into his eyes. He suddenly let go of my whole body all at once, making me stumble back a little on my feet. Squaring his jaw, Liam tilted his head towards the door before saying, "Let's finish the house tour."

"Lets," I pursed my lips as I replied, my fingers curling into loose fists on my sides. 

With his blank stare and rude tone of voice, he showed me the training grounds, the gymnasiums which were separate for women and men, the garden that was flowering all types of flowers as well as wolfsbane, and then he showed me which levels all different status of pack members were kept in this mansion. Unlike my home pack which had small houses kept distinctly for various families, Liam's full pack lived in the same mansion but on different levels. I kind of liked that, but then he showed me one distinct portable house. 

Walking into a dark brown house situated few feet away from the mansion into a deeper part of the woods, I began to feel nervous again as I kept glancing at Liam's broad back going deeper into the house without saying a word. 

There was no living room, it was straight up a room with a bed and a small kitchen and washroom, it mostly looked like a guesthouse. I was just inhaling in the strong lavender smell and walking over to the kitchen counter where I spotted a diffuser when I watched Liam go over to the one big rectangular window overlooking the trees we passed to arrive here. He began playing with the California blinds by shutting them close and then opening them again. 

Licking my lips, I finally asked, "What is this place?" 

Liam pulled a string on the blinds which had them rolling up into the ceiling, leaving the windows bare. Turning around to face me, he leaned against the glass and spoke, "This is our alternative room." 

The nonchalance in his expression and tone of voice was giving me chills for some odd reason, its like I could feel what he tried his best to hide, it was all in his aura and the temperature that fluctuates whenever he is feeling something. There is a weird connection and I need to confirm with Rebecca whether that is normal. "Why?" was all I asked. 

"This is the mating room, where we are to consummate. It is where all the Red Moon Pack's ancestors consummated their marriage and made this pack strong," Liam replied with his arms crossed and then looked towards the bed, as if suggesting something. 

Tucking my hair behind my ear, I followed his gaze to the bed before looking back at him only to see him already staring at me. "Why is this necessary though? What's the difference between this room and the one you showed me before?" I asked, a little confused. 

"It's soundproof," he replied abruptly, making me swallow a huge lump in my throat as I fidgeted on my spot. 

"Oh," I whispered to myself. Why is he keep putting me in such a state where I imagine us together on the bed? 

He continued to stare at me from where he stood leaning against the window, and I cleared my throat. 

"What's the next location?" I asked, trying to change the subject. 

"This is our last stop, I have shown you everything," he murmured before glancing at the mark on my collarbone. His gaze was enough to make my mark buzz, wanting attention. There was a dark carnal desire that went through me at the sensation that erupted from his mere gaze, making me breathe heavily. Liam closed his eyes, his arms flexing while crossed over his chest, and then he inhaled loudly. 

My palms became sweaty as my heart thundered against my ribcage at the way he slowly opened his eyes only to show me that his dark eyes had darkened further into a shade that looked menacing. 

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