Chapter 3

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Did you ever sat at a family gathering where you have been made incharge of your cousins?
They all just shout and shout they never listen to a single thing you say. They make your head pound like a thousand kilograms of weight is placed on top of you. That's how I felt when I woke up.

"Uncle uncle di is awake." I heard Mehek.

What happened to me? Why am I feeling like I was runned over by a truck? I want to die.

"Siya beta, how are you feeling?

I wanted to say something but my throat was really dry.

"Wa..wate.." I tried to tell them to give me some water.

"Here here, have some water beta?" I took the glass thankfully and drank it.

Finally some relief. But my head still hurts.

"What happened dad? Why do you look so worried?"

"Don't you remember anything?"

I just stayed quiet.

"Mehek found you in the balcony lying on the couch unconscious." I don't remember anything.

"Really? But I don't remember."

"Vaibhav and everyone else were so worried that something bad might have happened." He looked so worried.

"I am fine dad, must be the exhaustion of the day. You know I  have iron deficiency and I forgot to take my pill." I said trying to convince him.

"Oh you silly girl. You need to take care of yourself." He scolded me, looked better though.

"Okay now change into something comfortable and rest."

"Where's vaibhav?"

"He left to get a doctor for you but I will call him and tell him not to worry. You just sleep it off."

"Okay dad, love you."

"Mee too beta."

As soon as he left Mehek came in and locked the door behind her.

She looked worried too but something about her face didn't match dad's worried look. She looked scared.

"Mehek, what happened?"

She sat beside me and hugged me tightly.

"Never and I mean it never scare us like that di. You looked so pale when I found you." She started crying, my poor baby.

"Shh..shh baby don't worry okay. Look I am fine. It's alright." I tried convincing her.

After a few minutes she calmed down.

"Di please change and rest a little. I don't want you to get sick again. We have to leave for Meerut in three hours." I smiled and she gave me some clothes to change into, a simple salwar suit.

"I will get something for you to drink."

"Okay and don't be to late, let's sleep together you need rest too." I said and she left.

I started taking off my clothes and changed into the salwar suit. Next I washed my face and removed the makeup. I needed some moisturizer but couldn't find any in the bathroom. Maybe their is some in the drawer. I went outside to look for some and caught sight of my self in the mirror. Mehek was right, I look pale and week. My eyes look dull and my lips are so dry. I saw some marks on my neck.

"What's this?"

It was red and almost looked like a hickey.


Vaibhav and I do fool around a bit but we never crossed lines. So who would?

I heard the door behind me opening so I quickly covered the hickey with my hair.

"You look much better now all freshened up. Here have this sharbat and I will be back in a few minutes, uncle gave me something to do." She gave me the glass and left.

The glass felt cold against my hot skin. Many thoughts were racing through my mind. I took a sip of the drink and it was like something clicked within me. I remember. The drink. The embrace which wasn't familiar. That man.

The glass slipped from my hands making a loud thud sound bringing me out of my thoughts.

No no no, this ain't happening to me. Who was he?

Just the thought of him made me shudder in fear.

"Di I heard something? Oh the drink, you dropped it? Do you want another one?"

"Di? Hello earth to Siya? Di?" She asked again this time shaking me a bit.

"Yes...oh no I don't want anything. Let's just sleep." I said and picked up the glass.

Mehek picked up the glass and said she will join soon.

I retreated to bed still lost in thoughts. That man knew me. He said he has been waiting for me. He knows vaibhav too. Vaibhav! I need to tell him.

My phone, where is it?

I found it switched off and as soon as I opened it a message popped up.

I don't know this number.

Hi beautiful, I hope the hickey is red enough for you to remember me.

It's him and has my number.

Just to be clear, I wasn't joking about making you mine. I will and don't tell your stupid fiance about anything or he may die a worthless death. You know what I mean right? PS: don't block this number, if you want answers. Love you.

I read it a few more times just to make sure it wasn't me dreaming.

What should I do now?

I want to tell vaibhav but he surely knows us and he might harm him. He might still be in this house. The guest haven't left yet. Oh no.

I picked up my phone and replied to him.

"Where are you?" The message was delivered but no one recieved it yet. I sighed and waited.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I was woken by Mehek.

"Di we are leaving in half an hour." I nodded and sat up.

I found a bouquet of roses beside me.

"Aww jiju is so romantic." Mehek said, I smiled and smelled them, so sweet. There was a note inside it. I opened it and it said "They are beautiful but the red on your neck is still my favourite shade of red." I froze.

"What happened? Did he wrote something naughty, you look so shocked. Can I read it?" Mehek tried to look but I quickly hid the card.

"No... it's private."

"Boo..."she pouted. I am going outside, come fast okay." I simply smiled and she left.

Ping ping

My phone. With shaking hands I opened it. A new message.

Hi love
You missed me right?
That's why you were looking for me?
But I can't meet you yet. I have a lot of things to do before that. I have to remove a lot of obstacles in between us.
Don't miss me too much, okay?
By the way you look really cute while sleeping, I hope you like the roses.

Why is this happening to me?

Who is he?

What is he planing to do next?

I wish I knew the answer to these questions.

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