Day 1

17 8 4

You look at your dress. The same one you wore 5 years ago to meet someone special. Your first date.

A faded pink frock with white beautiful laces.

A smile, beautiful yet sad, formed on your face.

That day, you went to the ice cream parlour. You remember as he spent 20 minutes choosing a perfect flavour of ice cream for you.


"Yah! It's been 20 minutes! Just choose any one at random!"

"Patient. Patient. I am trying to choose the perfect one."

"It's ice cream for god's sake! All the flavours are perfect!"

"Huh! Found it!"


"The perfect flavour! Cotton candy!"

"I've never tried that one before."

"I know! That's why! And also, it's my mother's favourite!"

He took two cups of ice cream.

"Mmmm... This is good. Your mom has a nice choice."

He just smiles at her.

"Aren't you gonna have yours?"

"Oh yea, forgot. Hehe."

-end of flashback-

He knocks at your door.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes", you say softly.

You get in the car.

"Ice cream parlour.", he says, almost like a whisper.

"I know. How can I forget?"


You both stand near the glass panes.

"2 cups of cotton candy flavoured ice cream, please.", he says to the person in charge.

You smile. He remembers.

You both sat down at the same table. The one near the window.

"Aren't you gonna have yours?", you ask him, noticing he hasn't touched his food. He was busy staring at you.

"Oh yea, forgot. Hehe."

You smile at him.

He is your beloved prince.

"It hurts to leave a light on for nobody."
- Graham Frost, 'Slow Survivor'

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