Day 5

17 8 9

Your heart is pounding.

Last day.

Then he will be admitted in the hospital in the evening and will die at night.

Although the hospital isn't necessary. You both know that. The doctor said the chance of death happening today is 100%.


You try to hold yourself together.
It's his last day. You need to be strong. For him.

Today you guys will go to the riverside.

You get on the car and watch him drive peacefully with sorrow in his eyes.


"Wah! The riverside! How did you know I was missing the flow of the water and the sound of the waves?", he jumped with excitement.

"You told me yesterday, you spent your life admiring the ocean. Well there is no ocean here but we have a beautiful river."

"I love you."

"I love you too!"

-end of flashback-

You get out of the car. You both sat on the same bench.

He looked at you and laid his head on your lap.


"Hm?", you whispered, running your fingers through his hair.

"This is perfect moment."


"Do not worry about me.

Get someone new.

But don't forget about me."


You notice him shivering.

This is it.

This is the end.

"Y/n! Be happy! Be happy for me!"

"Oh no... Are you..."

"Don't stress! It's not your fault!"

"This is too early! No! It shouldn't be!"

"Y/n. It's okay. Smile for me."

You realised it.

It's happening.

Your lover is dying.

Any second now.

"Y/n. I love you."

"Jungkook! I love you too!", you cried out loud.

"I... Know."

You smiled for him with tears in your eyes.

The world was trembling.

With each second it felt like you were drowning.

You couldn't breath.

You didn't wanted to breath.

The world is nothing without him.

There is no reason left for you to live.

You wanted all the moments back.

They say tears are the words that the heart can't say.

It was true.

You wanted to yell out.

You wanted to collapse and die.

You wanted to take his place.

You've done nothing wrong.

This is unfair.

So unfair.

How life can be cruel to the most beautiful souls.

Your picture perfect life.

Is now smashed with blood dripping.

Nobody knows how much you cried today.

He was your everything.

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."

The End

-Delta and Swan

(I just wanted to add this in the end because after reading an emotional story, I close my eyes and listen to a sad song, remembering all the sad parts of the story. I just like doing that and I thought, maybe you will like it too! But it's ok if you don't.)

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