Day 4

16 8 3

You guys went to the forest today. For a beautiful walk.

The snowflakes and the bright but not harsh sun.

Holding eachother's hands, you both walk admiring the beauty of nature.


"Wow! This is beautiful!", he says.

"I know right. I figured out that since you lived most of your life in the southern area, you might not have seen this beauty."

"Your right. It's always the ocean for me. But this! This is a whole new level."

"Haha. Why are you saying like this?"

"C'mon, you gotta admit it. This is the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen!"

"The first?"

"You ofcourse! Dummy."


You punched him lightly on his shoulders.

"Hehe. Your marvelous."

-end of flashback-

He looks at you.

"You are marvelous."

"No more than you."

You smile at him.

He is your everything.

"The story we had is a story that'll never be once more."
- I. L. S.

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