Lucifer Rising and Sympathy for the Devil

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{Hey guys, I hate to do this, but is anyone actually reading any of my stories anymore? I kinda don't wanna update if no one but myself is gonna read them......Lemme know......Anyway, ONTO THE STORY!!! (And yes, this is gonna be a long one, to make up for not updating XD)   P.S You'll soon find out about Tony Colt/Chris Pine ;)...}

After Castiel helped me to control my new powers a bit, he dropped me at Bobby's, where Dean was arriving. "So...he's really gone with her?" I asked, quietly. "Yeah. Are you okay? What you did back there-" "Cas showed me some stuff, I should be okay for a little bit..." We trudged inside and told Bobby what happened. Dean was staring out the window, Bobby behind him and me across the table. "Dean? Dean! You listen to a word I said?" "Yeah, I heard you. I'm not calling him." "Don't make me get my gun, boy." Dean turned to face him and I looked up from my clasped hands. "We are damn near kickoff for Armageddon, don't you think we got bigger fish at the moment?" Dean asked.

"I know you two're pissed. And I'm not making apologies for what he's done, but he's your-" "Blood? He's my blood, is that what you were gonna say?" "He's your brother. And he's drowning." "Bobby, we tried to help him, we did. Look what happened." I said, finally speaking up. "So try again." Bobby told us. "It's too late." I mumbled, looking at my surrogate-father in the eyes. "There's no such thing." 

"No, dammit! No. We gotta face the facts. Sam never wanted part of this family. He hated this life growing up. Ran away to Stanford first chance he got. Now it's like déjà vu all over again." He said, sitting down before continuing. "Well, I, for one, am sick and tired of chasing him. Screw him, he can do what he wants." "You don't mean that." Bobby said, and even I was shocked at Dean. "Yes I do, Bobby. Sam's gone. He's gone. I'm not even sure if he's still my brother anymore. If he ever was." I got up and walked around for a second, but when he said that I turned around and punched him square in the jaw.

"You stupid, stupid son of a bitch! Well, boo hoo, I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess! Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good?! Make you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable, that's why they're family!" "Ash, you were there, I told him, 'You walk out that door, don't ever come back' and he walked out anyway! That was his choice!" "You sound like a whiny brat. No, you sound like your dad. Well, let me tell you something. Your dad was a coward." Bobby said. "My dad was a lot of things, Bobby, but a coward?" Dean asked. "He'd rather push Sam away than  reach out to him. Well, that don't strike me as brave. You are a better man than your daddy ever was. So do all of us a favor. Don't be him."

Dean turned and stared out the window at this point. Suddenly, the scenery around us changed from Bobby's run-down home to a large, very lavish room. The walls were painted white with gold trim and accents, a marble table in the center. Castiel was in the room with us, although I noticed that Bobby was missing, only Dean came with. "Hello, Dean, Ashley. It's almost time."

Dean and I poked around the room, looking at the amazing pastoral(?) paintings on the walls. Dean turned back to the table and I followed, finding that it now had a silver bowl packed with ice and full of beer bottles and a large platter of hamburgers, another bowl full of Twizzlers. Dean picked up a beer bottle and looked at it. "Hello, Dean.......Ashley. You both are looking fit." I heard Zachariah say. Dean replaced the beer bottle as he replied.

"Well, how 'bout this? 'The suite life of Zach and Cas.'." Cas and Zachariah both gave us blank looks. "It's a....never mind. So, what is this? Where the hell are we?" I asked. "Call it a Greenroom. We're closing in on the grand finale, here. We want to keep you safe before showtime. Try a burger. They're your favorite. From that seaside shack in Delaware. You were 11, I think, Dean. And Ashley, you're favorite candy, according to our sources." Zachariah responded, gesturing to the table. "I'm not hungry." Dean and I responded.

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