mavien's day off

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It had been a week and a half since mavien became a guard and since he had been reincarnated he had once again befriended Luke from his past life who was a demonoids and was making some different choices from his past life due to past regrets like taking in Marion and training Alicia, so now he and Marion were getting ready to go out on a shopping trip since Marion needed clothes and they needed to buy more food and other things as well as things for Marion to not be bored when he was waiting for mavien aside from that they also had to go to ashery's temple and visit Alicia to see how her training was going besides that mavien wanted to see if his "accidental" meeting with Niel would happen again or if it would be changed because this time he noticed the spies Niel had sent after him earlier then in his last life,once they both finished getting ready Marion smiled brightly as mavien grabbed the sword he had been carrying with him all the time and they both walked out of their house mavien locking the door "alright so first off lets go visit your friend alright?" Mavien said to Marion talking. About Alicia Marion nodded excited as they walked after about 30 minutes of walking they got to Alicia's house Alicia was walking around the house cleaning quickly even though the house was already cleans and the door was open, mavien sighed "may we come in?" Mavien asked knocking on the door and peeking his head in Marion doing the same "come in!" Alicia said smiling brightly hearing mavien's voice, mavien smiled entering the house with Marion as Alicia put the cleaning items away and smiled brightly "how has your basic training been going?" Mavien asked her "good! I haven't skipped a single meal I have slept on time and have also done all the excersises!" Alicia said excited "that's good" mavien said smiling before he went outside with her and began giving her and Marion pointers on how to have a proper stance for sword fighting and continued smtecahing them about the basics on sword fighting using sticks at first before using a broom since they were light unlike wooden swords "once you both gain more physical strength you can begin using wooden swords alright?" Mavien explained to them they both nodded disappointed to have to use sticks and brooms but looked forward to being able to train with wooden swords so they didn't protest any further,mavien smiled at them and patted their heads after they trained for a few more minutes Alicia locked the house door and the three began walking to the store Alicia's mother owned, "what are you two going to buy?" Alicia asked them "some clothes for Marion and other basic necessities as well as some other items for him to not be bored whenever he stays home alone...I also want to register him in the adventurers guild so he can do some quests and get some real life experience during my days off since during that time I can help him complete more dangerous quests and he can also get some pocket money for himself out of it" mavien explained to Alicia as Marion looked excited he had been looking forward to registering for the adventurers guild the entire week after all and the day had finally come even if he wasn't allowed to go on quests without mavien or Luke with him in the same party Marion was still excited.

After about an hour and a half of walking they got to the shop of Alicia's mother who's name was Mary, "Alicia sir Kelin and Marion! I didn't think you three would come by at this time!" Mary said looking at them surprised as she was behind the counter mavien chuckled "my apologies me and Marion are just going going to be buying some items he needs and clothes and thought of coming with Alicia here and also seeing if she can use the training grounds into he adventurers guild when we go there to register marion" mavien explained to Mary, Mary nodded in understanding as Alicia went inside and helped her mother in the store for a bit while Marion and mavien looked around a little before buying a few things then leaving and going to the adventurers guild.

When they entered the building mavien had to move Marion and Alicia out of the way of a flying beer cup mavien calmly walked with Marion and Alicia as if nothing happened while the people in there were laughing some were eating and others were looking at some quests and picking what to quest to take some were also looking for people to be in a party with or were also registering to be adventurers mavien smiled at Marion and Alicia going to one of the people in charge of registering new adventurers and talked to them a bit before helping Marion and Alicia write their names and age and writing them down as a holy swordswoman and a normal swordsman the woman in charge of registering them was surprised to see Alicia as a holy swordswoman and Marion as a swordsman since in valkiam special the capital city archers or mages were more common, mavien smiled "would you also like to register?" The lady asked mavien, mavien smiled "no I'm a knight and work as a guard here in the capital city so I'm not allowed to register as an adventurer" mavien said smiling as when he became a guard he had also resigned from being an adventurer since he was one for a few years to gain combat experience but never went higher then C rank but mavien was confident that with his memories of his past life he would be able to guide Marion and Alicia, once the registration was finished they were guided to the training grounds of the guild where an examiner was to give Marion and Alicia a test to see how strong they were, "alright you two, one at a time you will fight me with your decided weapon, your allowed to use chants and magic if things get dangerous for anyone the test will end immediately, you will pass the test if you can Landa hit on me or if I decide you are strong enough alright?" The examiner explained to Alicia and Marion since mavien was a guard and Alicia was a hotel swordsman they were getting a little bit of special treatment and were getting tested by a higher ranking examiner mavien sighed in relief that he had brought his ID that showed he was a guard and knight that would allow them to pass faster in the examination of the adventurers guild, Marion came up first getting a wooden sword, the examiner smiled seeing that it was true and seeing Marion's stance was a little off he could tell Marion had just begun sword training as Marion attacked the examiner called Eugene, Eugene was surprised by Marion's speed specially because Marion was not using any skill or chant and even though Marion's every swing was clumsy he could tell it was the fighting styles that only swordmasters could teach others, eugine was shocked his eyes wide as he dodged with ease but was even more surprised when Marion chanted "goddess of the moon with your gentle glow I beg of you to take away the never ending suffering" Marion chanted as his body began glowing a gentle gold and blue all the tiredness on his body and mind going away as well as any ache he felt before he became faster attacking Eugene even faster then before Eugene looked at Marion in shock as the attacks were still those of a beginner but were a little more precise then before and Marion's footwork was much faster and better then it was before then due to Eugene being caught off guard Marion managed to hit Eugene on the shoulder with he wooden sword Eugene looked at Marion shocked as he stopped moving Marion looked at Eugene holding his breath and looking that he finally managed to hit him before smiling brightly and excited running to mavien and Alicia mavien patted his "congrats Marion" mavien said to Marion congratulating him while Eugene was still in shock by the chant that an 11 year had used with such efficiency and the swordsmanship that only master swordsmen taught for master swordsmen were people that had after many years of practice learned to hide their weaknesses and blind spots and perfected their footwork aswell as reached a type of enlightenment in their swordsmanship, so now Eugene looked at mavien thinking mavien could possibly be a master salesman hiding his identity with a skill or with magic or even possibly a chant or even alchemy since there were so many possibilities but Eugene knew better then to ask since if mavien was a master swordsman "he could kill me in a hard beat if he is master swordsman...and the empire won't even hold a match to him they will side with him instead..." Eugene thought deciding to just continue the exam, Alicia got a wooden sword next now understanding why mavien told them to first get stronger physically as the wooden sword was heavier then it looked, she looked up at Eugene with a determined look then took a deep breath before attacking him, Alicia didn't have foot work or swordplay that was as good as Marion it was obvious that she wasn't as closely trained as Marion but what she was instead faster and showed more comfort with gripping the wooden sword, Eugene at this surprised with how this one girl showed such attacks even if her attacks were not as good as Marion's though they were using the same sword fighting style and yet they were stronger, Marion cheered for her as mavien watched letting out a whistle when Alicia jumped into the air trying to mimic an attack she once saw mavien pull on Luke during Luke and mavien's sparring session one night when Alicia was visiting them to give some cookies and left over pie her mother wanted to gift them as thanks, sadly since Alicia was not very familiar with the sword the attack did not go well  and instead the jump attack that was supposed to be followed by a downward vertical line that had aura enveloping it was instead a jump with a downward slash that went down too soon due to Alicia not being able to handle the weight of the sword and not know how to use aura, she panted and looked fat Eugene as she tried to stand  but failed since she didn't land properly due to mavien still not teaching her or Marion how to land from high heights, Eugene looked at Alicia then at mavien, mavien just waved as Eugene sighed "you would be a shame to not have someone with potential like you in our guild" Eugene said before looking towards mavien "sir knight...a word if you would allow?" Eugene asked mavien, mavien blinked confused "huh?" Mavien looked at Eugene with an innocent look and quickly instructed Alicia and Marion to wait for him at one of the tables in the waiting area of the guild building,

The guard is a reincarnated sword masterWhere stories live. Discover now