subjugation mission pt 1

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Once mavien and Luke as well as Val and a few other guards and the guard captain got ready to set off they got on a wagon with some other knights some knights walking or on horse back, mavien stared out the back of the wagon deep in thought as he remembered what had happened in his last life, Luke looked at mavien curiously "are you alright mavien?" Luke asked him val also looked at mavien but more with a sense of worry since if anything happened to mavien he feared Niel the heir to the dukedom of Goldmire would end up doing something to him, val shuddered at the thought "I'm alright Luke" mavien said smiling once again "I was just thinking of Marion and Alicia..." Mavien said looking down Luke nodded "those two will be fine" val said looking at mavien hoping that would be enough to comfort him not knowing it was actually something else worrying mavien, mavien smiled reassuringly "thanks Val" mavien responded and continued looking out the wagon knowing it would be a long day while Luke just began sharpening his sword taking the advice mavien had given him the day before about always being ready, a few couple hours passed going through the road before they entered the forest and everything was calm at forest but mavien knew something was up as by now they would usually see some lowered level monsters or hybrid animals like horned rabbits running around or slimes or even elemental deers running around the forest but there was nothing no sound not even five hours after traveling into the forest and now everyone had their guard up, the knights that were walking had their swords out the the knights in the wagon were ready to jump out of the wagon at any moment while they looked around but strangely enough in the odd silence- nothing came out... So they stopped, "we'll stop here and have some people go out to scout the area! Maybe they aren't coming out because there are so many of us!" Captain illois said, mavien just nodded and everyone got out of the two wagons that were taken since it was going to be a month long trip and they had taken extra weapons and food the wagons would also be used to transfer the bodies of the orcs after the sabjugation after all, once they got out they began setting up a small temporary camp and captain illois quickly picked five people to go scout the area each would be going on their own in five different directions mavien being one of the strongest but also one of the fastest because of his skills and since he followed some gods he had some useful chants which was why captain illois picked him, aside from him four other knights were picked, someone with a scout occupation who had an invisiblity skill as well as a skill that made him faster who followed nephtia the goddess of thieves and merchants meaning he very likely had at least one chant that may be useful in making him faster or in helping him escape a female knight that could use magic that had a stealth skill which helped hide and blend in with the surroundings she was fast and knew how to quickly climb trees she followed goddess Gracia the goddess of nature and the god of darkness darvel meaning she also very likely had a chant that would help her escape or get around quickly if needed, another male knight also following nephtia bit who also followed two other gods he was picked again because he followed a goddess that may have given a chant that may allow him to get around quickly or to escape quickly, and the last person was a female scout who followed a god she didn't mention but she had many thief and assassin type skills which was why she was picked as a scout this time.

Once they were each given which direction to go in they each ran in the direction sticking to the trees, mavien sighed annoyed as wearing the light leather armour brought back bad memories of how he had died in his past life, he just did what he had to do and continued scouting the area looking around and doing what he had to do he continued looking around the forest finding nothing but the occasional dry blood or broken branches as well as some orc foot prints in many places "damn it.." mavien muttered as he realised what had happened after seeing carriage prints he continued looking around finding more blood and then continued searching around finding no more no matter how much he searched he wondered if he had gone the wrong way, he turned the other way and began walking once again as he looked around and tried to listen to everything but ended up finding nothing more but more foot prints this time even more and more broken branches and this time even hints to there having been a battle or maybe just orcs hunting he wasn't sure so he continued walking taking out his communication crystal and using it to take pictures of everything before running back to the temporary camp he quickly reported to captain illois what he had seen and showed him the pictures, captain illois was surprised and began arming a plan to investigate the place where mavien found the prints mavien in his last life had not participated in scouting and instead had stayed behind so he didn't know about what he had just now found and was now worried, after a while the sun began to set and only two of the other scouts had returned meaning two were missing captain illois gave them another hour to return but then grew worried "shit..." Mavien muttered and got up grabbing his sword and running into the forest captain illois yelled at him to get back as he ran in the direction he remembered the two female scouts went, mavien closed his eyes running deeper into the forest spreading his magic energy in a thin layer trying to figure out where the two female scouts were since he had noticed the male scouts returned but not the female ones and knew that at times when female orcs were missing in orc settlements they resorted to kidnapping females from other humanoid races "was this...the reason why they became so aggressive in the last life and this one!?" Mavien yelled "orc generals and orc kings are known to be cannibals when there isn't enough food in the place where they are born...they may have eaten the females at one point which have led to to this?" Mavien said to himself and continued running in the direction of one of the female scouts scouting rout before hearing a scream he ran faster and saw a girl, she wasn't the scout and instead was a villager mavien unsheathed his sword and ran at the two orcs that seemed to be wanting to take the girl alive "oh god of war hear my plea and allow my sword to cut through your enemies.." mavien chanted he didn't want to use a chant but knew he had to depend on a chant if he wanted to end the orcs quickly in one go with a sword that wasn't his ego sword mil since the sword he was using was a little dull and wasn't that sharp, after killing the orcs he looked at the girl and tried to calm her down "hey's ok!, I'm a knight from the capital! We were sent here so your safe now..its ok now" mavien said to the crying scared girl, the girl looked at mavien and cried more hugging him as Val and Luke who had ran after mavien caught up to him, val seeing the girl hugging mavien gulped "master is gonna kill me.." val muttered Luke looked up at Val confused but then ran up to mavien "are you both alright?" Luke asked mavien "yeah we're fine..but how about you use your pretty boy privilege and calm this girl down? We got company..." mavien said as more orcs appeared "and my guess is...captain illois is going to take a few minutes to get here..." Mavien said throwing the girl at Luke and getting up grabbing his sword and getting in front of Luke and the girl val getting on the other side of Luke and the girl to protect them, as the orcs attacked Luke kept his sword unsheathed in case he also had to fight while hugging the girl with one had Ina reassuring way since as knights they had to keep the civilians safe even if it was only just one, val and mavien kept a good distance from Luke and the girl so that the orcs weapons wouldn't get close to them, mavien attacked an orc slashing at the orc and cutting off an ear "TCH!" Mavien glared at the orc and kicked it before jumping in the air landing on its head and stabbing it while Val who had better control over his body had an easier time taking down the orcs and tried going for their weak spots, mavien looked over at Val and smiled, "when they attack use their heavy attacks against them by attacking in that moment!" Mavien yelled at Val, Val's eyes widened and he nodded doing as mavien said, mavien smiled and continued fighting the orcs that were after then and by when captain illois got to them 15 orcs were dead and on the ground and Luke had just stabbed a 16th orc through the neck killing it the girl shaking in fear, mavien yawned as Val cleaned off the orc blood from his face "captain illois!, I think the orcs kidnapped the other two scouts...they tried doing the same to this girl..I think all female villagers should be evacuated to the capital until the end of the sabjugation or some soldiers should be sent to their village at the very least!" Mavien immediately said to captain illois wasting no time, captain illois was about to scold mavien for running off but he held back after hearing what mavien said and remembered what his old captain ones said "a good soldier must know when not to listen to his superiors" "master fuzen..." Captain illois muttered mavien looked at him confused "nothing! Alright I will send soldiers to her village to escort her and protect them until the end of the subjugation!" Captain illois said mavien smiled and nodded Luke let go of the girl and talked to her for a bit calming her down a little mavien and Val then both said "pretty boy privilege" Luke glared at them and flipped them off before some soldiers guarded the girl as she slept since she would be taken to her village the next day.

Through out the night mavien told captain illois what he knew about orcs and what he theorised had happened for the orcs to suddenly go crazy since even when an orc settlement appeared they rarely went as far as to hunt everything in sight, captain illois and the vice captain listened attentively val and Luke just listened to mavien in shock by how much he knew "alright..with this information this may all end sooner then we thought.." captain illoid said "though these days we can live alongside orcs...those orcs we love with and trade resources with are all evolved orcs that have very high intelligence that is comparable with a you know goblins slimes and other creatures can also evolve to this level...but sadly...there are still the orcs and goblins that have never evolved such as the ones that we have to kill today.." captain illoid said with regret "I have a friend from the kingdom of terarris velmu...he is a goblin and works for the king of terarris to create new technology...he told me about he regrets that not all goblins get lucky in being able to evolve into intelligent goblins" Luke said with a sad smile mavien sighed remembering how during the war intelligent monsters that had evolved to be like humans were sold into slavery and how the kingdom of terarris had gone as far as to destroy their peace treaty because of that and had bought up many of the slaves just to set them free in their own kingdom, mavien smiled remembering how that was one of the reasons why captain illoid had rebelled against valkiam "yes, so just remember the orcs we are killing today are monsters! Not intelligent monsters but non evolved ones! However if you DO find an intelligent monster or one that has evolved into one don't kill it! Capture it alive I am sure we can talk to the king and send them to terraris considering that place isn't called the kingdom of technology or the kingdom of monsters for no reason" captain illoid ordered everyone in the tent "tell all the soldiers we brought along this so they know who not to kill once the subjugation officially starts" captain illoid ordered "you may take your leave" he said and everyone Soon left, mavien Luke and Val sat under a tree eating and chatting a little before they soon went to sleep since the next day they would all take a look around the forest to get rid of any orcs before advancing to the orc settlement to wipe them all out the reason why it would take a month was because they would also go to the dungeon that had supposedly created the orcs.

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