Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Jane helped Sabine dress for dinner instead of getting a maid to help her. Her mother was very talented when it came to hair. Ever since Sabine was a child, whenever she would sit still long enough, Jane would love to create intricate braids with her long, golden hair.

The times held some of Sabine’s fondest childhood memories, though. There was no greater pleasure then sitting while one’s mother brushes their hair. Particularly in the beginning, when Sabine had never known a mother, it was one of her favourite things to do.

“Mama,” Sabine breathed as Jane fixed her braids in place. She sat at her dresser in her bedchamber watching her mother in the mirror as she hummed quietly.


“Was Mr Rochester invited for me?” she asked, hoping the answer was ‘no’.

Jane looked up at Sabine through the mirror. Sabine could tell her mother looked guilty. “I knew you would return disheartened and I knew Mr Rochester was sweet on you…”

“Mama,” Sabine groaned. “He is the only man on the planet more boring than me.”

“I know,” Jane sighed. “But I thought that you might want someone rather than no – one. Mr Rochester might not be delightful conversation, but he’s a decent and kind man. He would support you and I’m sure he would love you … what more can you ask for?” Jane placed both her hands on Sabine’s shoulders and squeezed them.

Sabine frowned at her mother. “Papa looks at you like you are the sunshine to his eternal darkness,” she said simply. “And you look at him like you couldn’t face the day unless he is by your side. I don’t want someone that might grow to love me, mama, I want someone who can’t imagine their life without me. I don’t want someone that you and papa think has a similar personality to me.”

Jane pursed her lips and then smiled. “Alright, darling,” she nodded. “After tonight Mr Rochester won’t be invited for any social reasons.” She leaned down and kissed Sabine’s cheek. “A very lucky man will capture your heart, my dear,” she promised. “Just when I thought I was going to be alone forever, I fell in love with a man and his beautiful little girl. That beautiful little girl has grown into a woman that we are both so proud of.”

Sabine felt tears fill her eyes. “I know we fight, mama, but I do love you,” she whispered.

“Not as much as I love you,” she whispered back, hugging her around her shoulders.

Sabine watched the two of them in the mirror with a small smile on her face. “You really believe I’ll find someone like papa?”

Jane nodded. “One day you’ll find someone who makes you feel as special as we all know you are. There is somebody out there that is specifically made for you, Sabine, and he will be your passion. You just have to be patient,” she said firmly. “Now,” she tapped Sabine’s head lightly. “What to wear? You can’t dress in your sensible riding gowns, so we’ll select something fine. You know, you really should get more use out of there gowns,” she said as she surveyed the pretty, feminine gowns in Sabine’s wardrobe. “Papa commissions them and they’re out of style before you wear them!”

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