hi guys!! im so sorry about me not being active schools so hard.

taehyun; cats

beomgyu; whut

taehyun; i want a cat.

beomgyu; same

taehyun; hiii beomgyu


soobin; i just had sex

taehyun: WHAT

beomgyu: WHAT THE FUCK 

huening kai; whats that

yeonjun; TMI SOOBIN.

soobin; my hedgehog humped me....

wait so am i pregnant

am i having baby odis 

taehyun; I-

huening kai left the group!

huening has been added

yeonjun; infront of my ramen bro

soobin; im a family of hedgehogs now

huening; thaats is so cool imagne bkrthingg a hedgehog!

soobin; im so lucky frfr

taehyun; kai and soobin you DO NOT get prego if a hedgehog OR animal humps you and you WONT certainly have babies.

soobin; why not!

taehyun renamed the gc to 1 braincell + 4 bowling balls

yeonjun; im the 1 braincell right

beomgyu; no 

yeonjun; you defo arent it 

beomgyu;your half 53 tomorrow shut up



beomgyu; stay shocked 

taehyun; Shut up both of you now.

beomgyu; yes sir

yeonjun; yes sir 

huening kai; yes sir

taehyun; er.

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