i had picked huening kai and yeonjun up to meet at soobins, and oh how gorgeous huening kai looked, hes eyes puffy and red. his cheeks look really squishy taehyun thought as he pulled over to soobins house, "we are here now come on" he said as he opened the car door and slammed it shut putting his hands in his pocket, " i wonder why they needed us " yeonjun said as he walked up hand in hand with huening kai, taehyun tched at the sight of the two boys clutched together as they reached to the freshly painted door as he knocked standing there just wanting yeonjun to let go, do i like huening kai or is it normal? he pondered until a face had appeared infront of him." Oh you guys are here come in!" soobin said cheerfully as his dimples popped out taehyun took a step in as the smell of vanila had waved into his senses " HI SOOBIN OMG SOOBIN YOUR SO CUTEEEEEEEEE!" huening kai went to rub his belly as he screamed soobin laughed at the youngers actiion, taehyun smiled at soobin " Go go sit down all of you, ill order food and ill get beomgyu" he said as he ran upstairs i had walked to the living room, sitting on the floor full with fluffy blankets

, he had scanned his surrodings and looked about as someone came through the door yeonjun as he sat on the sofa next came in was huening kai as he sat next to taehyun " you okay hyun? you seem sad and you havent talked much." he looked with concern taehyun smiled " no no im okay huening kai just tired thats all" he smiled as huening resred his head on taehyuns shoulder 

oh how taehyun thght how hard its gonna be tonight

hiiiiiii soogyu and yeonning and tyunning chapter next but hevy dose of tyunning this chaoter also spoiler theres a love triangle😁

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