Chapter 1: The Best And The Brightest

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Chapter 1: The Best And The Brightest

The Cole Highrise, West Bridge Complex, Flashpoint, New Jersey.....

   The sheer magnitude of the steel tower that housed some of the most socially adept people ever to grace the city of Flashpoint, New Jersey, had been awe-inspiring, to say the least. Such had been the feeling of anyone who had looked upon it from their grand views and in passing. One such person was the resident who had been living in the highrise in the West Bridge complex. Golden rays from a beaming sun burst past the less-than-protective yellow drapes that lined the large windows of the highrise master bedroom.

A beautiful mass of auburn hair had been twisted amid the crisp white pillows and bedsheets as a slumbering young woman found herself getting a good deal of golden beams across her lovely, fair-complected face. Unable to ignore the burst of high beams, she shifted some in bed revealing an average-sized yet slender form clad in pink silk pajamas with white trim. The sound of a nearby alarm clock had gotten her attention as well shaking her once and for all from her slumber and giving a start to her day.

With a quick fist onto the snooze button, the semi-groggy occupant slowly opened her brown eyes and yawned in the wake of an involuntary stretch before slowly inching her way out of her rather comfortable queen-sized four-poster bed. She had not bothered to opt for King knowing all too well that she would be sleeping alone as she often did despite her appealing looks and lucrative job opportunities pertaining to her profession.

The lovely woman and inhabitant of the luxury highrise, known as Allegra Cole had been a model after all and did a good deal of extensive traveling and work with various agencies and ad campaigns for product lines. She'd been in the business a good ten years known the ins and outs by the fifth year and had been the relative go-to model when products needed a trusted beautiful face to get the word out around town.

Allegra had been quite gifted in terms of her physical appearance being that she was petite in frame, had small but pert breasts, lovely legs that complimented her frame, and the most ideal features when it came to being photogenic. Intellectually, she'd been a graduate of Righwell University and had two degrees one in human studies and a business degree which came in handy now and again whenever she needed to go wading with sharks in the tide pool.

Allegra slowly managed to get to her feet and move about the bedroom in her highrise noting how beautiful the sun made everything look as she ventured toward her bathroom to get her day started. To the outside world, Allegra Cole had merely been a very fortunate and gorgeous woman, in reality, she'd been a workaholic perfectionist with an artist's eye and the brains of a well-studied scholar at least as far as her continued thirst for knowledge had been concerned. She never missed an opportunity to discover and learn new things and incorporate whatever she learned into her day-to-day life.

Not even when she'd been poised to be in front of a camera, flashing or rolling footage. She'd been well versed in the ways of fashion but that was more so due to the fact that she had such an excellent teacher. From the moment they met, notorious fashion mogel and adviser Herman Richard Myers had taken a young and clueless Allegra Cole under his wing. Their relationship had been, as such that their friends and acquaintances referred to them as father and daughter although Herman had been declaring himself openly gay his entire 56 years of life give or take 54 for personal discovery.

Allegra's own father Winston Cole had been a businessman in his own right and owned several companies. He had wished for his daughter to take up the reins but settled for her younger brother Scotty Cole, when she decided to forge her own path into the world of business.

Allegra moved about her highrise with her mind on the nearest pot of coffee knowing all too well that her well-timed and prepped machine had it already going before she'd even climbed out of bed.

She'd been a real force of nature whenever she truly got going and it had been part of her seemingly magnetic charm and chaotic attributes in equal measure. Allegra managed to make it to her kitchen and the waiting cup of coffee as she poured some into her favorite mug, a pink thing with the word "Girl Power" in golden capital letters had been a running joke between her and her assistant Lorrie Harper.

Allegra took a glance at the clock on the wall across from her and noted the time and the fact that her personal assistant had been due to arrive at any moment. Lorrie had been a pleasant young woman and very talented for someone so modest when it came to her own personal goals. She and Allegra had been friends for the past five years introduced through Herman of course who had always had a lovely talent for finding and connecting with the right people and vice versa.

As always Allegra had something of a busy schedule so much so that she'd even had to schedule time for sleep in the wake of cramming so much in her waking hours per day. She'd been so busy that more often than not she barely had any time for any personal affairs of her own.

Luckily for her, her fiance had been the sort of man who didn't mind waiting as he had his own business to run and deadlines to attend to. They had not even set a date yet for their wedding but knowing that they were of the same mind to be wed had been all that mattered when it came to their stalworth commitment to one another.

Kyle Eric Bennett was his name and he had at one point been the most eligible bachelor in New Jersey. He'd been quite the looker and often had to beat girls away from him with a stick, kidding aside he'd been quite attractive and fascinated by the likes of Allegra Cole for much longer than his present rockstar career in day trading spanned.

Allegra had been against dating of any kind given how busy she'd been and how often her travels took her away from the simple things in life but Kyle made time for her and often met her halfway. He'd managed to charm her right into accepting his marriage proposal after all.

After heading toward the bathroom and opting for a quick shower before her assistant arrived, Allegra had barely a moment to catch her breath before the fast-paced circus that had been her working life fully took hold. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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