February Interlude

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Twenty-three years older and slightly more insightful, I don't necessarily feel the need to prove others wrong; however, my tone has gotten more direct.

I need so much more out of the life I have grown accustomed to. It pains me to live in the present.

I have grown attached and detached from many, enjoyed solitude, and have ventured so deeply into my mind it would make anyone cry

The truth is with age comes a longing to change who you are, hyperfocused on things that shouldn't matter.

Reminiscing on those who brought out the pain in you and had you questioning your self-worth.

The longing for happiness is a road that oftentimes seems impossible to reach.

You learn to adapt and persevere during moments when you would rather hide
or run;

As you silently always come to the conclusion that you can no longer blame the inconveniences and hardships on the mistakes of those who came before;

and unwitting their wrongs is an essential part to your story.

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