Beautiful Soul

257 13 0

3 FEBRUARY 2014 


~~ thanks for the memories ~~

I got out of the car , running towards the expensive mercedes. I started panic as i heard no noise coming from the car.

'Oh my god , oh my god , oh my god.' My hands shook as i tried to call 911.

'Yes , i'm calling from Salt Lake City , Utah . I was involved with a car accident- And-And-And the car i crashed into , it's damaged severly. There's someone in there but i cant see anything at all.'

I ended the phone call still crying. I tried to open the car door but it was jammed. The window was already crashed so i tried to open it from the inside. Suprisingly , it did.
And then i saw him. He was breath-takingly gorgeous. But he looked like he was dead. Blood all over , glass shattered onto his torso and... It didn't look good.

'No no no no , please be alive.' I looked for his pulse on his bloody body. I wanted to be a doctor , as cliche as it sounds that's what i wanted. I was in grade 12 so last year of high school before college.

'Please be alive. I couldn't of killed someone.' I sobbed falling onto the floor.
I saw the ambulance arrive through my teary eyes. I jumped up and down so they could see me. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere and i was still staring at this guy.

They rushed over as i stepped aside , watching them rushing him into the ambulance. I looked at my car and it was just as damaged , i had no idea how i survived. I only had a arm length cut on both of my arms.

'Is- Is- Is- Is he okay?' I said through hiccups.

'Doesn't seem like it. We need to take you to the hospital too , you've got some deep cuts.' He said looking at my arms.
Yes , it was hurting so much but my mind was on the boy. I would never forgive myself if i killed him. I looked at my arms , both of my bones in arms were visible.

I hopped on the ambulance and that was probably one of my fastest car trips. It was extremely fast. Nurses and a doctor were all at his side , trying to keep him alive.

We arrived as a nurse assisted me to the emergency room , rolling the boy away from me.

'Is he going to be okay?' I cried through the pain of the stiching on my arms.

'Doesnt look so. He lost a lot of blood and there was some sort of dent on his head.' He said before leaving me sitting on the bed. I could barely move my arms from all the pain I was in.

The doctor called me over with his head as i walked over. We both sat down on some chairs.

'His name was Ashton Irwin. 18 years old , just like you. Only child of the Irwin's {a/n: let's just pretend he was an only child}. We're trying to get blood from his relatives and parents but looks like he's stuck in a coma.' The doctor said , the word 'coma' replaying in my head.

Was it possible that i took this boy's life without even killing him.

'You! You and your horrible driving! You're the reason my son is in there! do you know what it's like to have your only child taken away from you?! No of course , you were too busy texting or something! You're the reason my son is on the verge of life!' I saw a woman look similiar to Ashton to start yelling.

'Mrs. Irwin , i'm so sorry. You have no idea how guilty i feel right now.' I said standing up , wiping my eyes.

'I wish it was you in there instead of him!' It felt like someone had stabbed me with a sword ove and over again.

Moiety ✙ A.I.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang