Another boring day....

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Savara' s POV:

Ugh... Not again that alarm clock is soo annoying!

Another boring day of college.... Since this is my story I better start introducing myself i guess.


Hi I'm Savara I'm an 18 years old and I'm a college student, thats all now back to the present! As you can see- or read i guess today is another "normal" day for me I'm readying myself to get to my classes early-

"Hey Var you ok? You look like you had a fight."

Oh yeah this is my roomate Jessica she's my bestie ever since childhood, we study in the same college school, even though we have different classes but we manage it.

Our routine here is very simple we just swapped our chores each day for example if Jessica's gonna cook,do the dishes, and ect. while I study most of the time, the next day I'm doing those chores

Anyways as we prepare ourselves going to college we head out of our apartment and then we had an argument again on what to choose to go down, the elevator or the stairs....


This gonna be a long day for sure

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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