3. trying

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After a few hours spent alone in the room you hear footsteps. You sit up in the bed ready to change form and when the door opens fly away.

when the door opens you see the tall woman, but there are 3 other girls with her. You hesitate for a moment.
'She talked about them? They are her daughters. If they have abilities like mine they can catch me. But i need to try. I cant stay here' you think in yourself and then you you turn into bees and fly out the door. 

The tall lady is suprised. She doesn't count on that. After a minute you hear yelling. "Daughters! Get her!"

You wander the corridors. You don't know where to go. Only now do you really realize how big this place is. Long corridors and lots of identical doors confuse you.  You try to find the front door, but you can't. 

Suddenly you hear someone else's hum too. Flies attack your bees in the sky, forcing you back into your human form. You fall to the ground and a red-haired girl pins you to the ground so you can't get up. "I find her!" She yells and the two other girl is appear too.

They pull you up by the arm. You try to resist and free your hand, but there are three of them against you and you are now weak. You ate a long time ago. The three girls drag you back to the room where the tall lady is waiting.

"Thank you daughters" the tall lady says with a small satisfied smile. The woman grabs your arm and lifts you up. She wraps her arms around you and hugs you. You try to push her away, but she is much stronger. She walks to the bed with you in her arms.

"Put me down!" You say angrily, still trying to push her arms away. The tall woman ignores your request and sits on the bed with you in her lap.

"Look, we don't wana hurt you. So be a good girl and stay still or you dont get blood today" she says, in a calm and pleasant voice. You dont want to do what she says, but you need the blood. You are hungry and weak. So with an angry look, you stop moving. The tall lady looks down at you with a very satisfied smile and speaks to one of the girls. "Bella, bring a bag of blood".

The fourth daughter (lady dimitrescu x young fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now