These Unbridled Thoughts

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Author's Note: A little rushed chapter before the storm. Taro has liked a tweet about fragman 3 of Episode 62, so I hope we get to eat good this Friday and have KaySun back together happily once more.

Once again, idk how to write smut, and characters may be OOC. Please bear with me!

Hope you enjoy this quick little piece! A little life update: I literally saw Taylor on the Eras Tour and nearly broke my toe on the same day, but she sang False God X Slut!, so you know that KaySun is endgame.


"Tell me," Suna says, her teeth gritted as she takes a step towards Kaya, "tell me what you were really thinking of when you wrecked the room."

Kaya moves away from her, his eyes brown and blazing and intent on hers. Around them are bits of shattered glass, tables and their wardrobe toppled over, and the crooked shards of a porcelain vase on the floor. But even in his anger, he doesn't say a word.

"Tell me," she says again, her eyes narrowed. She has him backed against the bathroom door now, and deep inside although she knows he would never hurt her, some sick sense in her wants him to admit he's the villain. Say it, Kaya. Say you really wanted to destroy me when you wrecked the room.

But I'm Kazım Şanlı's daughter. I've been through worse.

"You're not a real man, anyway," she taunts.

But Kaya doesn't oblige, doesn't budge—his face is mere centimeters away from hers, and she can't help but look, really look, at his lips—at the red blotches on his pale face, at the sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead. She wonders if he's looking at her lips, too. When his eyes flutter down, she finds herself closing her eyes, too. As if I expected something more. Like what? A kiss?

However, there's no kiss, just the sound of crashing as Kaya knocks over another object and steps away from her. It clangs on the ground loudly, bringing her back to her senses.

As he moves away, she feels the tears in her eyes—the humiliation, the embarrassment—yet refuses to give in. Something in her, though, seeks him out. Some primal, animalistic part of her. Some sort of crazy instinct.

So she grabs his elbow and pulls him close to her. Tugs at his necklace until he's eye-level with her again. Her thoughts are scattered now, her mind filled with a flurry of flashbacks: her father's beatings, Fikriye's words, and the resounding memory of her fate. If she doesn't do something about it. If she doesn't make that sacrifice. And she resents him, resents this curse on her, resents all the wanting and longing she has—the kind he can never give back, because he only let her into his life and this godforsaken marriage for revenge purposes.

"I thought you were a real man," she whispers, and his lips are so close she can kiss him.

So she does.

Bar all logic, she does.

It's a heated kiss. He doesn't fight her, just melts into her as if he was resigned to her. Like he's given up. His tongue is hot and hungry, and she opens her mouth to let him in.

And then he's pulling away as suddenly as they began. "We can't do this," he says hoarsely, almost panicked, "we need to clean up, resolve our problems," but Suna doesn't care; she pulls him to her again, her teeth clashing with his, and she tastes something almost metallic as she devours his mouth with her own. There are tears in his eyes, and perhaps even more in hers.

She's so lost and so angry, so frustrated at her supposed fate, that she begs him to stay. "Take me, Kaya," she murmurs, her eyes closed as he kisses her neck frantically, "if you hate me so much, if you want to destroy me. Take me now, take me for all I am."

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