After Five Months...

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Author's Note: Not an April Fool's Joke, and not my best work either. This was very rushed, since I just had to get the idea out of my head by writing it all down. But I promise better things are coming! And of course let us manifest a better plot for KaySun.

Shoutout to my Suna girlies for giving me feedback! I promise the next chapters and the new fics will be better...

It happens for the first time in a grocery store.

Suna is casually browsing through the muesli selection (another new pregnancy craving; she usually eats it with strawberries and yogurt), trying to find the honey-toasted ones while Kaya pushes the cart behind her, when the incident occurs. She hears the words of a child, and then sees his fingers pointing.

"Annem, look!" The tone is gleeful, innocent, almost accusatory. "That woman has a fat belly!"

An embarrassed and harried mother emerges. She quickly hushes her child and nods to Kaya and Suna apologetically as she drags her chortling child away. Suna smiles back in understanding. Kids really did say the craziest things.

And yet...Suna sighs and rubs her stomach. This is the first time a stranger has publicly pointed out her pregnancy. She's only five months pregnant, but her skinny frame has made the emphasis of her growing midsection all the more obvious. People always told her she didn't look pregnant from the back because of how slight and bony she was, only for them to be surprised by how much she was showing from the front. Recently, she and Kaya had gone to IKEA to buy some baby essentials, and even visited book shops for some books for expecting mothers, and all the sales associates in those stores had remarked on how un-obvious her pregnant belly looked. So what had changed? Why was a kid already calling out her fat belly in the midst of her second trimester?

Her belly wasn't that big...was it? "It's barely noticeable, even from the front, abla," Seyran told (or rather, reassured) her just the other day. "I promise. Unless you wear like, really tight-fitting clothes. Besides, you're only in your second trimester. Just a bit of a bump, and people only notice it because skinny women usually don't have stomachs that show."

"Are you sure?" Suna asked, studying herself in the mirror. She can still wear her blazers and button-downs to cover up; however, the weather in Istanbul is wont to get warmer soon. Summer may still be in a few months, but her pregnancy already makes her feel heated. She longs to wear her flowing sundresses again.

Seyran patted her hand. "It'll probably only get really big in the third trimester, or at least that's what Doctor Google says. And what your doctor says, too. Right?"


"I'm telling you not to worry, okay? So what if you're starting to show a bit? It's only natural. And Kaya will love you no matter what. In fact, I'd argue he has eyes for you only more than ever now, especially with your whole-new pregnancy glow..."

Yet Suna still feels worried. Of course she loves ber baby—after all, she never thought she could feel so much love for a tiny human she's never met. She's excited to bring Kaya's child into the world, but she also never thought she would feel so insecure while doing so. Suna frowns. They haven't been intimate in months, and she feels...well, unwanted.

Just then, Kaya puts a reassuring hand on her waist. "Suna," he says softly, and Suna is amazed by how she still feels butterflies when she hears his voice, even after so long. Kaya continues. "Never mind what that kid said, alright? I, for one, still think you look beautiful."

She squeezes her husband's hand and flashes him an appreciative grin. "Thank you." She's grateful for what he said, but deep inside, she still feels a pang of worry. Was this all lip service? Did he not find her attractive anymore? Is that why they haven't been physically together in more than five months? These thoughts follow her to the cashier when they pay for their groceries, and they continue to plague her the entire card ride home.

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