The Foster Home

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Chapter 3

The Foster Home

"Do you not know what apples are Oakley?!" Ray asked surprised, "Even I know what they are, you eat them."

"I know what apples are!"

I walked around more trying to not be suspicious. I saw people in lab coats walking around. I held my breath and walked faster toward what I was hoping was the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and looked around. I sighed in relief. I heard them come up to the daycare counter and talk about a lost experiment.

"How'd they know so fast?" Ray muttered, taking note.

"I don't know!"

I tried to flatten my hair trying to look different. I found a glove on the floor and decided to put it over the number 267. I walked out of the bathroom and acted as normal as I knew. To my save, a lady walked up to me. She looked about in her forties, her brown hair was tinted gray. She looked kind, despite how broadly made she was.

"Hi darling! I'm Lauren, I'll be your foster!"

"Hi. . . What's foster?" I asked, looking up at her. Purly confused.

"Well dear, I will take you into my home until you are adopted or it is safe for you to go back to your parents!"

"My parents are dead." Half true. Slightly wish it was fully true.

What made the least sense, I rushed in, no one knew my name. I wasn't checked into the system. She must have the wrong black haired eight year old.

"Oh, well you will have new parents and friends soon, dear!" She dimed her voice then made it clear and higher pitched.

I stood up and went with Lauren, anything to get away from the lab. She held my hand, smiling as we walked to the front desk. She signed a few things then we went to her car. I sat in the back with my arms crossed. As I stared blankly out the window, Lauren turned on the radio.

"Do you like any kind of music, dear?" Lauren asked, her face turned but her eyes on the road.

"Uhm- no?" I said, with limited grasp of what she meant.

A bit of time passed and we pulled up to her driveway. She opened the door, as we walked in she showed me a few things like where I would sleep, playroom, her room, kitchen, ect. Kids looked at me, some with smiles, others upset. I went to my new room and cautiously sat on the bed. Out of literally nowhere, I felt light headed. I tried to ignore it, but I collapsed onto the carpeted floor.


When I woke up, I was in my bed with Lauren peering over at me. As my eyes opened slowly, Lauren's face cracked with a smile.

"It's normal when you're coming off those I.V.s, hun." She assured me.

"What? What are you even talking about?" I said with my hand to my head.

"Hunny, it's hard not to see." She lifted up my arm and pulled up the sleeve, "You escaped from the lab and ran to the daycare, you're safe now though!"

"Wh- da- wh- ta-? What?"

She hugged me and lifted up her sleeve to show the number 002. I stared at it blank minded. Lauren pulled her sleeve back over her number and put a pointer finger over her smile. I copied her, just my face looked less happy and more confused. She laughed quietly and stood up.

"Sit and rest for a bit, I'll get you some gatorade to help with your energy." She said humbly.

"The heck is gatorade?!" I mutter kinda loud.

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