Doomsday Group

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Chapter 18

Doomsday Group

It had been 67 days past the 6 year mark (I had been counting the days). I really don't know what to think of this anymore. I feel like with the amount of people I had killed it had all become numb. I had casually become a member of this group they called Doomsday. It's been so long and I still don't know why all these people had to die. Over 250 people had their life cut short by me alone. I can't imagine that x20, that's horrifying! I don't know why I still willingly do this, who talked me into this! Who brought me into this cult! I get handed files, find the person and slit their throats. Same thing, over and over. I guess I got better at being quiet, but still! I'm what, 14 now? And so many people have just perished, not just in front but from me. I sighed and decided I was just going to leave. A lot still holds my back, but this mass murder of people is really starting to mess with me. I packed the little stuff I had, well stolen over the years into a small leather-like satchel. I walked into the lobby and turned Charlie around. He had become like my genuine brother, I was not about to leave him. He looked at me

"Do we have another mission?" Charlie asked, slowly trembling at the thought of it.

I paused and nodded my head slowly. He looked kinda scared. He didn't like this murder of people, even less did he tolerate it. I grabbed his hand and grabbed a random file to not look suspicious. I was about to walk out when Jordan stopped me.

"Oak Tree waaaait!" He shouted.

I rolled my eyes. I hate that nickname and he knows it! I turned around and gave him a death stare.

"Who ya killin'?"

I showed him the file. He looked at it.

"Damn, isn't he really hard to find?" Jordan looked confused. He paused, "You know you leave those powerful ones to either Kan or AP, right?"

I shrugged, "Well I need something to last me awhile to get away from here. . ."

Why did I say that? I'm really dumb. Jordan stared at me, confused.

"You're. . . leaving?!"

I nodded, "You make murdering people look easy."

Jordan's face turned to a more serious one, "I'll come too!"

"Rex and AP would kill you," I sighed, quickly, a bit annoyed.

Jordan shrugged, "So?"

I sighed and paused for a while.

"Alright, c'mon. But hurry!"

Charlie clinged to me. I waited impatiently for Jordan to get back. Once he was back, I walked out the door. My eyes glowed orange and I grabbed Jordan's hand. I teleported us to the orphanage-like place.

"You assume I don't have parents?!" Jordan huffed.

"Well you wear a mask, clearly something happened. And you were in a murder club! Clearly you didn't have a good relationship with them!"

Jordan stood, kind of stunned. I walked in and placed my bag on the table. The lady there asked us questions, like age and whatever. The lady brought us to the main room, showed us where the bathrooms were and where we'd stay. I slumped into the corner of the main room and drew. Charlie sat by me, he fell asleep pretty quickly.

An hour drained into this drawing I was mindlessly making. Soon though, I was yanked out of this slow-speed earth and pulled back to reality when a random voice said something. I looked up, not hearing what they said.

"Whatcha drawing?" It said again, leaning closer to me.

I jumped back but paused, looking at the girl. She was short, had blonde hair tied in a claw thingy and wore her black jacket off of her shoulders.

"Oh uh- I dunno, random things?" I answered quietly.

"Oh, cool!" She exclaimed.

There was a pause.

"What's your name? I'm Riley!"


"Nice name!" She smiled with her mouth closed.

"Thanks. . ." I rubbed my eyes and my shoulders slumped. I don't know why, just tired. Charlie woke up and looked at Riley.

"Hello!" He gleed, still very asleep.

"Hello!" Riley smiled. She had dark blue braces on her teeth.

"I'm Charlie" Charlie yawned.


I stay quiet. That's a thing I'm good at. Being silent. Charlie nodded.

"Well!" She offered her hand to help me up. I stared kinda blankly, not understanding. Is there some hidden language with holding hands out? I don't get it! Riley shrugged and sat with me.

"What characters?" She asked, watching my pencil move.

"Ones I created just now," I mumbled, my eyes still transfixed on the paper.

She nodded slowly. She messed with a small chained necklaces with a red gem. I glanced up at her and pointed with the back on my pencil.

"Nice necklace," I added.

She looked up at me, "Thanks."

I nodded and went back to drawing.


A while passed. All three of us lightly talked, but it was mostly quiet. There was a fight that we all watched, betting on who would win. Quite entertaining. Is that a phycotic? Probably. Either way, I won the bet, I now have 20 dollars. We were all talking about a bunch of random things. None of us could really stay on one topic for more than 2 minutes. A worker here walked up to us.

"Hey, time for bed you guys!"

I looked up. Seriously though, does she think we're 7? I mean Charlie's 8 now but still! I get it. I'm short and Riley's somewhere around my height, but I don't look that young. I nodded and shoved my drawing in my satchel-bag-thing.

"You're new here, so I'll show you your rooms. You guys brothers?"

I nodded again before I could even really think. Charlie isn't that bad of a roommate so it didn't really matter but it just how quickly my brain went to yes. The lady led us to a room with bunk beds. Charlie ran up to them.

"I CALL TOP" He shouted.

I giggled quietly, "Ok, ok chill man."

He smiled with his typical idiot smile and climbed up to the top. I slumped into the bottom. I know Lauren is buried somewhere around here, I saw it when I was doing a mission. Maybe I'll go see it tomorrow.

To be continued . . .

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