The Better Plan

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Chapter 14

The Better Plan

"Well no sh*t Sherlock!" Ray announced, sitting back against the wall. A bell rang and scientists and SWAT went outside the door.

I glared at her. Nagi folded out of an ember, again. I stumbled back, still VERY unused to this new skill. They jumped back too.

"You seem so scared around me! Did I do something wrong. . .?" They asked, looking worried.

I shook my head, I could see him loosen up, relieved. Nagi knelt down in front of me and looked at the chains.

"Why are you tied up?" He got up and grabbed pliers, "Quite rude of them!"

Nagi snapped open the chains and pulled me up. He went around and broke everyone free. Everyone was quiet, it was eerie. Nagi looked around, confused by the silence.

"What? They cut your tongues off too?!" they asked, genuinely worried.

"No no, we can talk," Someone blurted, "Just- how did you just break the chains open??"

He stared at the pliers confused, "With these?"

The person nodded their head slowly.

"What now? Our plan failed thanks to our stupidity to let chemical kid plan it!" Candy shouted.

My heart rate got faster, "Not so loud!" I whispered.

"Oh, what are they gonna do? Tie us up again?" Candy mocked, loudly might I add, "Half of us are already mostly gone!"

"Yeah, I know! But the other half will be dead if they know somehow we're out of those chains!"

Nagi backed away, looking almost scared. Rex stepped forward.

"Would you guys stop?! You both sound like girls having a petty argument!"

"'Scuse you." Candy muttered, crossing their arms and leaning back on the wall.

I rolled my eyes and stepped back. The room was quiet again. Slight creaks in the floor echoed through the blankly cold room. People fidgeted with bracelets and necklaces tightly secured around their limbs. I looked down. My arms were so scared. Yet they always itch! I thought healed scars didn't itch as much but whatever. I tapped my fingers onto the upper part of my arm, looking around and listening to the coughs and casually quiet of everyone else.

"What now?" A small girl asked, finally saying something to break the silence.

Some people shrugged, others completely ignored her. Some people in the back laugh quietly to each other. No one says anything. 

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