Chapter Twenty-Four

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I stared out of the window for most of the journey back, despite the fact that it was a near blizzard and I could hardly see anything. I pressed my forehead to the cool glass and bit my lip to stop from crying.

Bryce said nothing, and the journey was long, let me tell you that much. It was painfully slow and drawn out and generally miserable.

By the time we drew up into town a layer of snow had covered the streets.

"You want me to pull up outside your house?" he asked.

I said nothing. What was he suggesting? That he drop me halfway round town so no one would see his car, and let me run home in the snow?

I think he got the message because he pulled up in front of the house. I was starving and I jumped out the car and slammed the door shut, wanting to get out before my stomach rumbled and undermined all the effort I had put into ignoring Bryce.

Mom was in the kitchen with Ali preparing lunch when I got in.

"You're early. Will you be joining us for lunch?" asked mom, popping her head out into the entrance hall.

I hung up my coat. "Yes please."

Ali quizzed me on where I had been, but I skillfully evaded her questions.

"You've done something I wouldn't approve of," she said, her brow furrowing. "I can tell. You're all shifty."

OK, so not so skillfully. But I wasn't giving in that easy. I was not going to tell her where I had been, and with whom.

I went upstairs and washed my face. For some reason, I felt dirty. I felt kinda used, and I resented Bryce for it. He'd been trying to assuage his own guilt by taking me out, and I'd fallen for it.

By the time I came back down, lunch was on the table. Mom had made a full on roast beef and veg; it smelt immense, and I salivated at the mere thought.

"Are you alright? You look a bit harassed," said dad as I started spooning food onto my plate.

"Fine," I mumbled, not looking up at him.

"You know you can talk to us," said mom, before sipping at her water glass.

Ali was staring at me. I knew she knew what was up, but I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.

Some things you just have to keep to yourself.


On Monday morning Luke picked me up for school, and I admit that I felt a great relief at being able to chat to a guy without all the disconcerting undertones, but when he asked me what I'd been up to at the weekend I froze.

"What's up?" he asked, turning his head from the road quickly to look at me.

And then I told him. I'm no good at keeping secrets. I told him about breakfast with Bryce, and the fight, and the fact that we hadn't spoken all the way home.

"That's what he was doing yesterday?" Luke asked in amazement, before chewing on his bottom lip. "He doesn't know how good he had it."

"I guess."

"No, I'm serious. Why did he have to go for Taylor, of all people? I mean, she's hot, but she's not all that. And we all know Bryce could've had anyone. Why he chose someone who slept with your boyfriend, I don't know."

I pulled an upside down smile and rolled my eyes. "I don't know if he thought about it."

"Of course he did. Bryce is smart. He has perfect grades. He thinks about everything he does. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that he does absolutely everything for a reason. You know, to bring about a certain result."

FIRST KISS (High School Romance - FYI - In need of redrafting/rewrites)Where stories live. Discover now