Chp 6: wave (the beach ep)

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AN: this is a flash back chapter

"So we get to keep her?" The tall one said, as if I was a pet or something.

Yunho laughed, "she's not a dog Mingi!" He smiled down at me, "but yes... she's gonna travel with us, at least for a while."

"I still don't really know why," I laugh.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, "staying with us is better than running away to hide in some cave or something"

"She can do that if she wants..." Hongjoong muttered, pushing past us to go to his quarters.

Yeosang appeared, an excited look on his face, "before we leave Arabasta we should go to the beach!"

San tapped his chin, "there is a nice secluded beach not far from here..."

"I'll go tell Hongjoong!" Wooyoung exclaimed, bounding off to inform the captain.

I was walking along the beach with Yunho, talking about nothing in particular when I heard a commotion from behind us. We both turned to see Yeosang pinned beneath a massive Doberman. My Doberman, Chili.

I sprinted to go rescue him, and hopefully stop the guys from hurting her.

"Chili! Down!" I yelled commands at her, trying to get her to back down. When she heard my voice she lifted her head and came sprinting at me. I let her jump into my arms, knocking me back with her weight. I thought I would never see her again. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

Once the commotion was over and everyone calmed down a bit, the questions started.

"So she's your dog?" San asked, helping Yeosang up from the sand.

"Yeah... when I was dying though I sent her off so she didn't die with me... I never thought I'd see her again" I said while sitting up, sand all in my hair and down my back. Chili rested in my lap.

Mingi came over to pet her softly, "she's a sweet girl when she isn't trying to eat our chef"

"I think she probably smelled my scent on him but didn't see me and got worried that he had done something to me" I said softly.

Yeosang wandered over, dusting his pants off as he did, "you know... I've been compared to a Doberman before"

The group collectively snickered at him.

"Hey guys come on!" He let out a small whine, "let me have this!"

We were all sat around a fire on the beach, well all of us but the captain and first mate,as well as Yunho and mingi. Yunho and mingi were supposedly just grabbing some marshmallows to roast. But they had been gone for almost fifteen minutes.

"Jesus Christ what's taking them so long," Wooyoung complained, leaning back on the log he was sat on.

I stood up and dusted my pants off, "I'll go check on them"

I wandered back to the ship to find the two giant men. Seriously, how could someone be so tall?

They were in the pantry. When I walked in yunho had mingi backed up against the shelves, mingi had his arms slung low on yunhos waist. Mingi looked very comfortable with the situation. Yunho was leaned in and whispering something in Mingis ear.

I let out a small gasp, "sorry!"

They broke away from each other immediately, a light blush dusted Mingis cheeks "no no! It's fine! We got a bit distracted"

"Um, well, that's totally fine. I'll let the others know you will be back soon" the words came out fast and jumbled, and I quickly hurried away to give them privacy.

The walk back to the campfire had me in my head, bad. I know it was very teenage girl of me, and I was too old for this, but I thought Yunho was kinda into me. But he and Mingi obviously had something going on.

I was brought out of my musing when I approached the fire, it was far too quiet for these guys. I soon found the reason why. Jongho and Yeosang had disappeared somewhere and left San and Wooyoung. I was far enough away that they didn't notice me, although they were so wrapped up in each other they might not have noticed me if I sat down next to them. Wooyoung was straddling san's lap, I watched San's hands settle on wooyoung thighs. The way San looked up at wooyoung was enough to make me blush. I scurried away before I got caught.

I wandered down to the beach, musing quietly. If I analyzed their interactions they all did kind of have a weird sexual tension. As I was thinking I came up on a boulder, on the other side I heard a beautiful dark sound. I peaked around the edge and saw yeosang and jongho together. Yeosang had his head resting on jongho's shoulder, he was humming a song softly. They were slow dancing under the moonlight.

I backed away. I decided I was just gonna go back to the ship and tuck in for the night, before I interrupted more private moments. I decided to stop in the kitchen for a glass of water before heading to bed. Just my luck the captain and the first mate are in there. Seonghwa leaned against the kitchen counter lazily. Hongjoong had him trapped between his arms, one braced on either side of him on the counter. Seonghwa was looking down on him, an eyebrow raised, his lips in a soft half smile.

His eyes flicked up to me, "Hongjoong, we have company..."

I heard Hongjoong release a heavy sigh. He stepped away from seonghwa and sat heavily at the kitchen table, "what do you want?"

I could feel the blush creeping up my neck, "I uh, I'm sorry, I'll leave!"

I turned to leave when seonghwa came up behind me and grabbed my hand, "No, it's okay pepper... you didn't do anything wrong. He's just grumpy"

"I still don't want to interrupt..." I said softly, blushing when he moved his face closer to mine. My eyes flicked to Hongjoong who was sat, just watching.

"It's okay, really," he let go of my hand, sensing my discomfort, "I'm sure you noticed that all of us have a special relationship..."

Hongjoong spoke up from where he was sitting, "he's trying to say we all fuck, but labels are hard so we don't bother"

Seonghwa pinched his lips together, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips, "I'm trying to say that we all love each other dearly, in many different ways."

"It sounds like ya'll have poor communication skills...'' I said softly.

Hongjoong actually cracked a smile at the comment, "hey, looks like she's starting to get it"

Seonghwa shook his head at the both of us, a smile decorating his face as well, "well, pepper, for your information. I happen to know that many of the crew, including myself, would be more than down to poorly communicate with you."

I blinked slowly at him, trying to process what he said. Hongjoong furrowed his eyes and shot a glare at seonghwa.

"I uh-" I was stuttering, I wasn't sure how to answer, "thank you... I just... I don't know."

Seonghwa smiles gently at me, "that's okay pepper, you don't have to know right now. You don't ever have to do anything you don't want to."

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