Chp 11: Thanxx

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I found my way into the infirmary. I hadn't come in here to see him very often. I didn't like it. I didn't like seeing him like this. Deathly still, pale and empty. Not full of life, mirth glowing in his eyes. Seonghwa was a pure soul. My perfect balance. All of the others had a very special and irreplaceable part in my life. But Seonghwa balanced me. I was so old. Not really, but I felt old. I felt ancient. Seonghwa was new. He was gentle, kind and wise all at once. And he was dying, and no matter how I tried to shift blame in the end it was my fault.

I kneeled by his side, holding his cold pale hand in mine, "fuck... my Seonghwa... I'm sorry..." I whispered against his skin, "I did something bad... you'd be livid with me," I chuckled softly, "I never told you how much I love you. I never said thank you... for everything," I sniffled, I hated crying, and yet I found myself crying a lot these days, "if you come back to me... a day will never pass where I don't tell you... I promise," I pressed my lips softly to his knuckles, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Fuck.." I whispered, watching the ship get closer. It wasn't a pirate ship, but it also most certainly wasn't the marines or a civilian ship either. It was too small, in fact in the boat was only one man. Fucking hell. I'd know that bitch anywhere.

"Jay park." I stalked towards the edge of the ship and looked down. The bastard looked up at me with a shit eating grin, "oh pepper my pepper, how wonderful you haven't died."

I held my hand out behind me to stop Mingi from advancing, this man was dangerous. Incredibly so, "Why are you here Jay?"

"I've come to collect. As per the boss. 'If she's alive, find out, and then bring her here. Dead or alive.'"

A shiver ran through my body, I knew he meant business, "if I refuse?"

"Well that's where the dead part comes in," he shrugged, his cocky smile made me want to hurl, "I'd probably end up killing your little friends too...."

My face was hard, "I'm afraid I will have to decline... I'm not the same kid you knew. I'm stronger now."

It took him about two seconds to get onboard. He wasn't a devil fruit user, but he didn't need to be. He was a top class hand to hand fighter, as well as killer with throwing knives. He actually taught me how to throw knives.

"Aw Pep... What happened to the girl that had a crush on me?" He pouted, bending down at the waist. I was tense. The rest of the crew was tense. I knew how dangerous he was, from experience. They could feel how dangerous he was.

"She disappeared right around the time you tortured me," I said, as dead pan as possible.

He chuckled, turning to take in the ship and the crew, "I hope you don't hold that against me, all of us have that done... it's an initiation, Pep."

"I'll give you one more chance to come with me," he held his hand out to me. He looked casual, but I knew him. His muscles were tight and ready to fight anytime. I took his hand, only to pull him towards me and attempt to get him in a hold.

He laughed and muscled his way out. He ended up slamming me on the floor, holding me down with a hand on my chest, "don't forget who taught you how to fight..."

He was immediately pulled off of me by San. San and yeosang both managed to get in one good hit before Jay managed to slip out of their grasp. Jay was playing with them. He kicked them both back. Both Yunho and the captain came out of the back at this point, to find a strange man leading the crew around by their nose.

Hongjoong immediately let loose his conqueror's Haki, Wooyoung and yeosang stumbled on their feet. I felt my knees get weak. He wasn't directing it anywhere, he was just throwing it around. But it got his point across.

Jay turned to face Hongjoong with a smile, "interesting..." he muttered, taking the captain in, "you, I can't beat..." he turned to me, "it's your lucky day Pep! But just so you know, you've got bigger problems than me... they will come for you eventually..."

I swallowed. I knew that. I knew it would happen eventually. I just hoped I had a little more time. He saluted and jumped back in his tiny ship to sail away.

Hongjoong turned to me, "the fuck was that?"

I shrug nervously, "old friend?"

He scoffed.

"Okay... so we fucked around a little while I was in training..."

It was Jongho's turn to scoff then, "and he tortured you?"

I shrugged again, "I mean, he wasn't lying about it being an initiation... he was just supremely an asshole about it."

Mingi shook his head and started walking back to his quarters, "assassins yo... I'll never understand them."

AN: I lowkey have been neglecting everything.  My life keeps coming together and falling apart. I currently am  having my phone blown up by a past situationship from like almost TWO YEARS AGO. Insane.

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