The Kidnapper: Chapter Three

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You rushed up the stairs right behind him. Following closely, just in case he changed his mind again. A part of you expected him to slam the hatch shut right in front of your face, but Ghost did nothing like that. He just made his way to the front door and left you standing in the cabin on your own. You looked around, momentarily blinded by the sudden amount of light. While you had a small lamp in the cellar, real daylight was a different thing, and it took you a second to get used to it again.

The cabin didn't look much different than it did the night Ghost brought you there. A few pieces of furniture were still covered with stained linen sheets, and empty bottles rolled around on the floor, accompanied by various food wrappers. This and the almost inch-thick layer of dust made it obvious that this place needed a deep cleaning. You decided to start with the most obvious, collecting the bottles and throwing away the other stuff in a bin liner that you found under the sink.

It only took a few minutes, but the place already looked a lot more decent. A small thank you for letting you out of the cellar.

You took a deep breath as you walked out of the cabin, leaning against the wooden wall right next to Ghost. It was obvious that he didn't want to have you this close, but he was polite enough not to walk away. The tension-filled silence felt suffocating, so you decided on the next best thing. Awkward small talk.

"I'm sure the air here is good for my lungs," you exclaimed as you let your eyes wander over the trees and bushes that surrounded the cabin. It was nice out there, even more so because you usually didn't have the option to take a walk outside, let alone a trip to the woods.

"What's wrong with your lungs?" Ghost asked reluctantly.


"Then why did you—you know what? I don't want to know," he groaned, lighting another cigarette.

"Hey, can I have one?" You gestured towards the package in front of him, and Ghost just shook his head as he held a cigarette out to you.

Before you could even ask him to pass you the lighter, he leaned closer, shielding the cigarette from the wind with his hand as he lit it for you. Strangely polite.

His eyes met yours, and something about the way he looked at you made you want to let years of sorrow out. But you were sure that an unsolicited trauma dump would get you back in your little cellar apartment pretty quickly, so you kept your mouth shut.

The next few hours went by mostly silent. You didn't want to speak up, worried about annoying him, and he was busy either staring into his phone or cleaning his guns. A concerning amount of guns compared to your previous kidnappers.

Ghost must have noticed your slight discomfort because, after a few more minutes, he spoke up.

"If you need to go to the bathroom or anything, it's back there," he said, gesturing towards a door next to the small kitchen corner. "The hot water works too."

"Thank you," you said as you got up and made your way to the bathroom. Taking a shower was a good idea; you were sure that you had at least three spiders in your hair, and you could still smell that damp cellar stench on you.

There was only a half-empty bottle of men's body wash in the shower, which was not really surprising. You made sure not to use more than necessary, hoping that your husband wouldn't smell it on you when he got you back.

Well, if he even paid his debt in time. If he got you back in pieces, it wouldn't matter if you smelled like some other guy. You can't kill someone who's already dead.

The shower had been running for a while when Ghost suddenly realized that there were no towels in the bathroom. The two he brought were in his duffle bag, he didn't plan on having a roommate for the week after all. And while this still wasn't a five-star hotel, he felt bad leaving you to either shake yourself dry or put on your clothes while being wet.

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