The Incident

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((Author's note: Sorry for taking so long with trying to put this story out. I know I promised it a LONG time ago, but I'm gonna start writing it out now. Again, sorry for taking forever on this.))

The day began like any other, Smg4 was setting up a few props for the next video in the middle of the showgrounds. "This is gonna be the best video idea ever!" He said to his friends that were helping him out with the set up. He looked down at Meggy and Tari from atop the ladder he was on. "Thanks again for helping me set everything up, guys."

"No problem, Smg4. We're always willing to help our friend out." Tari said before handing him a wrench so he could tighten a bolt.

"I appreciate it, I really do. You, Meggy and Mario do a lot around here to help make the channel a success." He said before taking another look at the ground, looking for something, or rather someone. "Hey, wait, where the heck is Mario anyways?" He asked, only to get yelling in response. He turned his head to see Mario carrying a very large rocket out of Smg3's store.

Smg3 ran out the door behind Mario in a fit of anger. "Oi! You gotta pay for that!" He yelled as he ran after Mario. Mario ran fast as his legs would carry him, trying to outrun Smg3.

"No! Mario needs it to help Smg4!" Mario yelled out as he continued to run. Smg3 skidded to a stop in front of the group, glaring up at Smg4.

"Hey, did you tell Mario to take a rocket from my shop?!" Smg3 put his hands on his hips as he glared.

"No! I didn't tell Mario to do that! I told Mario to get you out here so you could be apart of this week's episode!" Smg4 shouted down to him as he began to climb down from the ladder to stop Mario from running around with a rocket.

Smg3 took off after Mario once more, soon managing to catch up with the Italian and grab his rocket from him. "Don't take my stuff without paying for it!" He yelled as Mario got upset and kicked the rocket, causing it to start rumbling.

"Uh, bye!" Mario said before running off. Smg3 tried to run away too, but found that his clothes were stuck to the rocket.

"Oh no no no! Someone heeeeeeeeelllllllllppppppppp-!" Smg3 yelled out as the rocket began to take off all around the showgrounds, dragging the poor man with it. Smg4 reached the ground and moved to grab some leftover netting from the props.

"Meggy, Tari! Grab the other end and get ready to stop that rocket!" Smg4 said as the two girls grabbed the netting, running out into the open to try and time catching Smg3. They held the netting tightly as Smg3 came towards them. "Get ready!"

As the rocket came towards them, they braced for impact, only for the rocket to rip the net apart and leave the gang stunned that that didn't work. The rocket continued on its path, crashing right into the set that was set up earlier and causing a massive explosion. Smg4 was the first to move, running towards the flaming rubble. He didn't see Smg3 anywhere and began to move the sizzling hot rocks, ignoring the burning pain in his hands.

"Three! Three! Say something so that I know you're alive!" Smg4 yelled out as he continued to dig for his friend. Eventually he caught a glimpse of purple fabric and moved the heavier rocks out of the way until he could grab Smg3's arm to drag him out. He pulled him from the rubble and laid him on the ground, taking a moment to examine his wounds. There were some minor burns on his skin, but a lot of blood around his face from a gash mark across his right eye. Smg3 weakly opened his eyes, coughing as he tried to breathe.

"F...Four...?" Smg3 said in a frail voice, his vision blurred but could still make out the familiar blue and white color palette of Smg4. Smg3 reached up in an attempt to try and touch Smg4's face. Smg4 didn't know why, but he moved to cradle Smg3 in his arms, the latter finally able to touch the other's face.

"I'm right here, Three..." Smg4 said as he felt Smg3's hand caress his face.

Smg3 took in labored breaths. "Four...I got...something to tell you..." He said, but his body ached with each movement, and all he desired was rest.

"Yeah, you can tell me anything..." Smg4 whispered as he moved him into an upright position, letting Smg3 rest his head against his shoulder. Smg3 let his hand fall away from Smg4's cheek, his breathing was becoming more shallow and quiet.

"I want you t-t-to know...s-something...I-I lo...o..." Smg3's voice trailed off into silence, his eyes closing once more. Smg4 began to panic as he felt Smg3 go limp in his arms.

"No no no! Three! Wake up!" Smg4 began to tear up as he looked down at the man that he's known for years may be dying in his arms. "Don't you dare die on me! You don't just get to try and confess your love to me and then die on me!" He yelled at him, shaking him a little. He soon looked up to see others have gathered after hearing the explosion. "Someone call 911 dammit!" He yelled as he began to break down in sobs.

Smg4 had a swirl of emotions that was causing him to break down. He didn't know what to do as he heard the sound of an ambulance approaching them. Paramedics hopped out from the back, heading over and taking Smg3 from Smg4 to load him up on a gurney. As the paramedics began to load Smg3 into the back of the ambulance, all Smg4 could do was watch as they took him away. There was nothing more he could do except hope and pray that Smg3 would live.

When I Don't Remember You (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now