Unravel The Bandages

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Smg4 sighed as he stood in Smg3's cafe, looking over the different types of coffee and exploding knickknacks on the shelves. He walked behind the counter and began to make some coffee for himself. It had been almost two weeks since Smg3 was injured, and Smg4 had no word from the doctor on his condition. He had been visiting every day in hopes that he would wake up and be okay. He poured himself a cup of coffee and left the store, heading to the hospital in his beat-up car. About halfway there, he got a call and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Smg4?" A female voice on the other end spoke up to him.

"Yes, this is him." Smg4 said as he continued to drive down the road.

"This SM hospital calling about a patient we currently have underneath the name Smg3 and you were part of his contact list. I'm calling to inform you that he is awake now."

Smg4 couldn't help but tear up as he heard those words. "Oh, thank God. I was so worried he'd never wake up again. Thank you for calling and letting me know. I'm on my way over there right now." He said before hanging up and continuing his drive. He thought back to the day Smg3 got injured. He tried to tell Smg4 he loved him, and Smg4 wasn't too sure what to do. A mix of emotions filled him, and he didn't know if he should reciprocate his feelings or just remain friends with him. He shook his head. 'Right now, I just need to see if he's alright.'

He polished off his cup of coffee as he pulled into the parking lot. He got out, walking inside and pausing as he passed by the gift shop. He stopped and went in, purchasing a small bouquet of sunflowers for Smg3.



An hour ago, Smg3 slowly opened his eyes to the blinding sight of hospital lights. He grunted and reached up to rub his eyes, but paused as he felt bandages around half of his face. He looked over and noticed a nurse coming into his room.

"Oh, you're awake. This is great news for your loved ones. After I take care of you, I'll let them know you're awake." She said as she moved to him, her hands working delicately as she removed the bandages around his head. Once they were off, Smg3 blinked as the bandages were taken off of his eye. She took out a tiny light and had him follow the light. "Any blurriness or issues with your vision?"

"No, none." Smg3 said as he blinked a little. "How did I get here?" He asked, reaching up to rub his head in pain. His memory was a little foggy, but he could remember some things.

"You ended up in here because of an explosion and were buried under rubble. Your friend dug you out and called an ambulance for you." She said before leaving the room.

Smg3 got up from the bed on shaky legs. He kept himself up using the wall, attempting to go to the bathroom. He soon made it and sat down on the toilet, taking a break. 'How long was I out for...?' He thought to himself as he rubbed his face in pain. He sighed and used the toilet, taking a moment to wash his hands. He splashed some water on his face and grabbed a paper towel to dry off. He threw the towel away and looked up in the mirror, his eyes widening in shock at what he saw.

He was looking at someone else's face. He was supposed to look like a carbon copy of Mario, not whoever this person was. He touched his face gently, his fingers tracing the fresh scar across his eye and running through his beard. 'This isn't me...I don't look like this...!' He thought as he backed away from the mirror in shock.

Smg4 came into the room, a bouquet of sunflowers in his arm. He paused as he saw Smg3 having a panic attack in the bathroom. He moved and helped him up. "Three! Three! It's okay, I'm here!" He said as he helped him up and took him back to the bed.

"What the hell is happening?!" Smg3 managed to get out as he hyperventilated. Smg4 set the flowers down and held him close, rubbing his back and rocking him gently. Smg3 managed to eventually calm down enough for Smg4 to explain.

"You were in an accident caused by Mario. You passed out, and I got an ambulance for you." Smg4 explained, not telling him about the confession he had made.

Smg3 shook his head before pulling out of Smg4's arms, not liking being held. "Ugh, of course that idiot knocked me out...Oh god the remote! Did they take it?!" Smg3 attempted to get up once more but fell over. Smg4 helped him back into the bed.

"Easy Three, you're still healing. What remote are you talking about?" Smg4 asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"The YouTube remote! I had it in my hands, and I was ready to destroy my arch nemesis with it!" Smg3 said angrily as he clenched his fists.

Smg4 got a really concerned look on his face as he slowly realized what was going on. "Uh, are you talking about when WOTFI 2020 happened?" Smg4 asked nervously.

"Of course I am you idiot! Do I look like I don't know when I was finally about to win against Smg4?!" Smg3 yelled at him.

Smg4 sighed. "Three, I'm Smg4." He stated as Smg3 glared at him.

"What? No way, you're lying to me. Smg4 doesn't look nearly as dorky as you do." Smg3 said before pinching Smg4's cheek.

"Ow ow ow! Stop it!" Smg4 whined before slapping his hand away. "It's 2024, dude. That fight has long since been over and done with."

"I've been in a coma for four freaking years?!" Smg3 shrieked.

"No, you idiot, just two weeks...I think you may have amnesia." Smg4 said as he looked at his friend.

"How great." Smg3 mumbled before looking at Smg4. "Well, what are you doing here visiting me in the hospital anyways? Thought we hated each other."

"You hated me, I didn't hate you, and a lot has happened since then. We became friends."

Smg3 laughed. "Now I know you're messing with me! Like I would ever become friends with you!" He stated as he held his sides. He soon spotted the flowers. "Oh my god, you even got me flowers! You're so gay!" He fell backwards on the bed.

Smg4 huffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm serious! We became friends, and you even told me you loved me!"

Smg3 sat up and glared at him. "Like I would ever tell you that! I've hated you for years, and I'll continue to hate you even when I take care of you!" He stated before getting up out of the bed. "If you'll excuse me, I got an evil villain plan to execute." He said before stepping out into the hallway, forgetting he was only in a hospital gown.

"At least put on some pants first!" Smg4 yelled after him before shaking his head. He hoped that this amnesia thing would blow over soon and that he could have his friend back.

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