Found the bug

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They immediately got in the car. All it took was Vlad sweet talking their parents and suddenly they were on a road trip.

"How did he get to Gotham?"

Tucker tapped his phone screen.

"My running theory is that Danny parents restrained him and dumped him in the ghost zone. We know that the Fenton Speeder went into the Ghost Zone and Danny's parents said he was in the ghost zone before the fake funeral" Tucker explained.

"You think Gotham has a natural portal?" Sam asked.

"Yes, I do. It would explain his arrival in Gotham"

Sam called Jazz to make sure she shut down the portal while they were gone. They couldn't be there to keep the ghosts at bay while Danny was compromised.

The car turned onto a desolate looking road on one of Gothams streets. The GPS led them past the homeless encampments, which has dwindled thanks to the Wayne housing projects.

They drove to a patch of land a little outside of Gotham. No buildings around.

"Where is he?" Sam asked as they stepped out onto the barr patch of land.

"According to this, we are here" Tucker said.

"He's beneath us." Vlad said in a tired sounding voice.

He put a hand on each of the children's shoulders and phased them all through the ground.

Sam felt a little dizzy as she calculated her surroundings.

"Ah, an underground bunker"

"Look!" Tucker shouted rushing over to the coffin sitting smack dab in the center of the bunker.

He rushed over to it, noticing the lid was off.

"Is he in there?" Sam called.

Tucker examined the coffin before he looked back at Sam, "no, but I found the bug"

He held up a tiny mechanical bug.

"It's actually shaped like a fly" Tucker exclaimed as he dropped it in Sam's hand so she could examine it.

Meanwhile Vlad was over at the computers.

"What are you'd doing?" Tucker asked.

"Whoever this bunker belongs to might have a log" Vlad sneered. However his numerous attempts to get in seemed to be pointless.

Jason sat next to the unconscious teenager, anxiously waiting for him to wake up.

"Who are you?" Jason whispered as he reached out a finger and poked Danny's chest.

Danny's chest stopped moving and it seemed like he had stopped breathing.

A bright light shined through his shirt. There a was a quick flash.

Jason scrambled back afraid he had done something on accident.

When he looked over at Danny he saw a pale teen with Stark white hair, glowing green freckles with his entire body illuminating a faint green glow and he was wearing a body suit it looked like?

It had a D on the front of it that somewhat also resembled an P.

He looked like a young superhero.

"Bruce!" Jason called out.

Bruce came back around carrying a coffee. When he saw Danny's state he set down the coffee and rushed over.

"What did you notice when this happened?" Bruce asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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