chapter two

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Beep. Beep. Beep.
Alec blinked his eyes open, seeing white. He was in a white room.

He looked around, confused, until he realized. Alec was in a hospital. What had even happened? Alec pushed himself up, using his arms for support, but wincing when he felt a huge ache in his elbow. His arm went weak, and he collapsed back down. Alec huffed and stared at the ceiling. "What the fuck," he muttered.
There was a knock at the door, and a nurse walked in. She smiled at Alec, and Alec gave a small smile back. "How are you feeling, Alexander?" She asked, reading his name off a clipboard. "I'm fine." Alec said quietly, shrugging. "You broke your left and right elbow, and hit your head pretty hard. It'll heal easily, don't worry. You seem to be acting fine. Just a little tired?"
Alec took all the information in. He blinked and nodded, all of a sudden hearing her ask a question. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm good." He answered quickly.
"Alright. Great. I'll be back to check on you in a little, do you need anything?" She asked as she walked to the door. Alec nodded a bit, "where's Magnus?"
The nurse stopped in her tracks.
"Who?" She glanced over at him. "Magnus Bane. My boyfriend."
"He's probably in the waiting room. If you'd like, I can go check."
Alec nodded a little, figuring Magnus was pretty worried. "Yeah, if that's okay. Thank you." The nurse smiled and left the room. Alec rested his head back down on the pillow. How did this all happen?
He was just crossing the street, and Alec did check both ways, he wasn't an idiot. It was as if the car came out of nowhere. Almost like it was meant to hit him. Alec shook his head. That was a dumb idea. It was an accident, a mistake, most likely Alec's fault. He wasn't paying attention.

About five minutes later, there was a knock at the door. "Magnus?" There was nothing. Another knock. "Um, come in?" Nothing. Then, another knock. Alec slowly got out of the bed, wanting to be careful not to hurt anything. He walked to the door and opened it. No one was there. Just a small note on the door. 'Sorry, it was an accident. Ha.'
Alec took the note, reading it. What was it even talking about? Who was it from? Alec didn't know. His head hurt. Alec crumbled the note and walked back to bed, getting back in, after closing the door. He kept the note close, though, on a table. Then, another knock. Alec clenched his fists, eyes glancing at the door again. "Fuck, just come inside, whoever is doing this!" Then, the door opened.

It was Magnus.

Magnus peeked in the room, confused. "Alexander? Are you okay?" Alec sighed in relief when he saw Magnus. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm just paranoid." He shrugged. Magnus walked over to the bed, taking a seat on it with Alec. Alec felt Magnus' hand on his leg from underneath the covers. The boys glanced at each other, and Alexander gave the other a small smile. "You know, I really want to kiss you right now, but I also don't know where you're hurt." Magnus said quietly. Alec laughed a little, pulling his arms out from underneath the covers. "I'm good. Just two broken elbows, and hit my head hard." Magnus frowned, "babe, are you sure you're okay? Does it hurt?" Alec shook his head, "I'm okay. Hey, I'm alive. I'm good." He laughed a bit. Magnus nodded, smiling. "So, where are the others?" Alec asked. "All waiting downstairs. Only one person was really allowed up, so I came."
Alec rolled his eyes, "they all are seriously down there?"
"They wanted to see you," Magnus nodded. "Wow. I guess I have good friends," Alec said sarcastically, laughing a bit. Magnus squeezed Alec's leg, grinning. "Come lay here." Alec patted next to him on the bed, moving over. Magnus nodded and climbed next to Alec. He didn't go under the covers, though. He wanted Alec to have all the blankets. Alec rested his head on his boyfriend's chest, Magnus's arm going around him. "Alexander?" Magnus asked. "Hm," Alec nodded a little, looking up at him. Magnus suddenly kissed him. Alec kissed back, reaching up to cup Magnus's face, but Magnus moved Alec's hand away, still kissing him. "You're hurt. Rest your arms." "You aren't my mother." Alec murmured against his lips. "No, I'm not. I'm your boyfriend who cares about your condition." Magnus said back, tongue entering Alec's mouth. "Hm, well, in that case, thank you." Magnus and Alec just sat there, kissing. They didn't touch, knowing that could lead to something else, and Alec was in no shape ready for that something else. There was a knock on the door, and the nurse came in. She gasped, seeing the two boys. Alec and Magnus quickly pulled away, Alec all flustered. Magnus gave Alec a small smirk, getting out of bed, face serious after. "My apologies, miss." The nurse smiled a little, "no, no, I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something?" Magnus shrugged, "don't worry." Alec watched Magnus and the nurse. Wow. Magnus was good at fixing things. The nurse walked over to Alec, with a bottle of pills. "Here are your pain killers." Alec took the bottle, nodding, reading the side. "Alright. Thanks."
"You're welcome." The nurse smiled, leaving then. Magnus walked over to the bed, leaning over, kissing Alec one last time. "Get good sleep. I love you." Magnus turned and walked to the door. "Magnus, wait," Alec got out of bed, grabbing Magnus's arm. Magnus turned and looked at his boyfriend. "No, you're hurt. You have to lay down." Magnus tried to set Alec back down on the bed, but Alec kissed him deeply, hands on Magnus's chest. Magnus was already taken over when he felt Alec's lips. He wrapped his arms around Alec's neck, lips moving against his. "Mm," Magnus whispered. Alec sucked on Magnus's tongue before pulling away, catching his breath. "Alright. Now you may leave." He nodded. Magnus stood there, shocked. "Oh, now who is the flustered one?" Alec asked, smirking, getting back in bed. Magnus tried to find the right words. He just laughed quietly, "you're something, Alexander Lightwood, and I love you." Magnus left the room, closing the door behind him.

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