chapter ten // finale

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Nightmares. The worst.

Especially in Alec's case.

He was restless in bed, seeing flashes of Sebastian in his mind, and then Magnus. Next thing he knew, flashes and images of blood.

Alec shot upright in bed, trying to catch his breath. He turned his head, seeing Magnus sitting on the bed next to him. Blinking, Alec reached out to poke Magnus. "This is still a dream. We didn't find you yet." Alec stated.
Magnus just looked plain confused. "Didn't find me? What are you talking about?"
Alec shook his head, "Sebastian said-"
"You listened to him?" Magnus questioned.
"We all did.. You weren't around, and he seemed pretty convincing, where were you?"
Magnus sighed, "I had to handle business. Sebastian used that was a good excuse to try and make it seem like something happened to me."
Alec just hugged Magnus as tight as he could, Magnus returning the hug.
"Just- I'm glad you're okay." Alec murmured.
Magnus nodded, "of course you are. You're my boyfriend."
The two boys laughed quietly.

Clary and Isabelle were hanging around their room, talking. They all found out by Alec that Magnus was okay, which was good, because it was one less worry to stress over. Now, their man one was Sebastian. They had to kill him.
"We gotta do something about him," Clary nodded. Isabelle agreed, but she looked calm, not the least bit worried. "Yeah, we do. We have to kill him."
Clary nodded, "yeah, I know. It'll just-be hard. Sebastian is very smart, you know."

Isabelle smiled over at Clary. "I know. But we're smarter."

Alec and Magnus ended up making out in bed.
They were getting quite intimate, until they heard the door open. Alec yelped and pushed Magnus off, and Jace, at the door, looked horrified. "He's back for three seconds and you're already up to this?!" Jace questioned.
Alec shrugged, "maybe."
Magnus nodded, "yes."

They all soon met up in the hallway. They knew what they were doing.
The team was going out to find Sebastian, and kill him.

Alec stood with his bow and arrow, standing next to Jace. Magnus wasn't there.
Clary had her stele, Jace his seraph blade, Isabelle had her whip - and, well, Simon had his hands. Which probably wasn't the best idea, but whatever.
"You sure this is a good idea?" Simon asked. "You know, we may end up being the ones dead-"
Isabelle grabbed his collar and pulled him close, kissing him passionately for a moment before shoving a distraught and frozen Simon back. "It is a good idea." Isabelle said for him.
Simon just nodded a little.

Clary let out a laugh. "Wow. You've got some affect on him, Izzy."
Isabelle smiled and shrugged, "I know."

They all set out. Talking quietly as they walked down the street, they made sure to keep their eyes out for anyone or anything that could be sneaking up. Also, anything that was white, because damn Sebastian's hair was some white.

Soon, they started to hear noises from an alleyway. They all stopped and drew their weapons, watching carefully at the alleyway. As they were about to charge, a small cat pushed herself out from a trash can be scampered away. Alec huffed, "fucking dammit-"
"That was so cute!" Simon smiled.
Everyone turned and glared at him, and Simon cleared his throat, lowering his voice to another tone. "Can't believe that damn thing. Messing with us like that." Simon stated.

"Wasn't it a shame?" A voice was heard from behind them. They all instantly turned, seeing Sebastian. "That tiny, innocent animal gave you all such a fright, because of me."

"You're a bitch, Sebastian-" Clary started,
interrupted by him.
"Shut it, Clary." Sebastian snapped. Clary was gripping her stele. Sebastian advanced closer to the group, and they all got more tense and ready. Alec was pulling back an arrow, but Sebastian was quick to notice. He charged to grab the arrow, and Alec ducked. Sebastian stumbled back, receiving a kick from Jace.
Alec thanked Jace and slowly stood.
Sebastian got up, eyes flashing with anger.
"Jace protecting his parabatai. What's new? Protecting people is so weak. How about protecting yourself?" Sebastian asked.
Jace gripped the blade with hate, "how about you shut the fuck up-"
And he went at Sebastian. That sort of signaled everyone else, and the rest of them ran forward with their weapons. Simon was a few moments late, clearly not getting the memo.
He was still going to be very new to this. "Sorry, guys!" He called. His girlfriend was new and she was already a damn professional. Simon liked that, though. Her strength.

This battle went on for what seemed like forever. They just couldn't kill him, they either missed, or didn't get Sebastian with enough power.

Alec caught his breath and pulled back another arrow, but Jace put his hand on his shoulder, signaling him to stop.
Jace's clothes were torn in some areas, and blood and dirt stained him. "Don't, you need to save those arrows. We need another plan." Jace directed.
Alec nodded a little and lowered the arrow, "this guy is really strong."
Jace agreed, "obviously something is with him. He has to be something. He isn't human."
"I know," Alec nodded, and they rushed forward again, to help Clary, Simon, and Isabelle.

Simon suddenly had an idea. He remembered something. He turned and ran off.
"SIMON, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Clary yelled to him.
Simon waved her off, "I'll be right back!" He called.

Simon kept that promise. He returned soon enough. Though, he did something no one would expect Simon Lewis to do.
"STEP BACK, GUYS!" Simon yelled.

Everyone cautiously did, looking confused, but also beaten as fuck, so. They listened. It was their only chance, really.

Simon stepped aside. Suddenly; a demon entered the setting. They all got their weapons ready, but this demon wasn't going to charge at them. The creature stared down Sebastian, and suddenly ran at him. Sebastian was done for after that.

They all put their weapons away, staring at Simon, in shock. The demon ran away after that.
Clary raced forward and hugged him tightly, Jace only rolling his eyes.
Simon hugged back just as tight. "Simon! How the hell did you do that?!"
"I'm the nerd. I did my research." He smiled.

They all hung out back at the Institute. Alec was in his room with Magnus, Clary with Jace in his room, Simon with Isabelle in the training room.

Clary was in bed with Jace, his arm around her. She traced her finger over his tunes on his chest, since his shirt was off, and they were just talking about today, really.
"Where did Simon learn that?" Jace asked quietly.
Clary shrugged, "like he said, he's the nerd. He has his nerdy ways."
The two laughed.

Simon and Isabelle weren't really training. Simon had her against a wall, making out with her, and damn, he was a good kisser for a 'nerd.'
Isabelle pulled away for a moment,
"You know, what you did tonight," Isabelle placed her fingertips on the hem of his shirt.
"It was very nice, but also, very hot."
Simon was flushed, but Isabelle slipped his shirt off, and their lips connected again.

Alec and Magnus were hanging around, in bed, laying together.
They talked about what they normally talked about. Nothing about the battle, or Sebastian, or even anything Shadowhunter related.
They talked about outside life.
"Oh, Alexander, what about your job?" Magnus questioned.
Alec shrugged, smiling, "this is my job now. The next best thing."
Magnus laughed slightly, leaning over, kissing Alec.
Alec returned the kiss, cupping Magnus's face in his hands. "We should do something tomorrow. You know, not in fear that a crazy bitch with white hair is going to come and destroy us all," Magnus said nonchalantly.
Alec agreed, smiling against his lips.
"Yeah. Great idea."
Magnus pulled away, just for a moment. "I love you, Alexander Lightwood." He whispered.
"And I love you, Magnus Bane."
Alec returned.

They both kissed each other again.

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