Getting To Work

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Stevi's Point Of View:
"Good morning"
I felt a young girl tapping my shoulder. I woke up and I thought I was back in my world. That the Prince, the room, everything was a dream. However I woke up and I saw a young girl 2 years younger than me with cloth above her head and wearing a white apron.
"I'm Megan, the housekeeper. I was told that you are replacing the Prince's recent servant so I have to give you your list of chores every day," she gave me a piece of paper.
"Recent?" I asked.
"Well...the Prince get's a new servant every other week. No one ever seems to handle his arrogance." She whispered.
"Does he fire them?"
"No they just leave the castle and never come back."
There was some awkward silence for a couple minutes but Magen broke it when she spoke again.
"So you will be starting today at this very moment, at this very hour, get dressed here is your uniform. The Prince will be having his breakfast in 30 minutes sharp, make sure you're on time."
The uniform was a blackish grayish dress with a white apron and a white bonnet. These clothes looked like they were passed on from women to women, to think I was probably his 100th servant. The thought of that made me feel a little sick.
"What time is it?"
"6:30, get up and get dressed..." She stopped and looked back at me. "I wish you the best of luck surviving."
"I can handle it." I smiled and she winked at me.
Yep I remember, last night after he found me in his room we agreed that in order for me to return home I have to do him a favor and that is to serve him. I started to think about the cost of all this but the decision for me to return home had already been made and I had no choice whatsoever.
Okay, so going back, I roamed through the long list of paper.
1. Prepare his breakfast on bed by 7:00.
2. Wait until finished.
3. Bring his dishes to the kitchen.
4. Prepare his clothes for the day.
5. Prepare the tub.
6. Bathe the Prince.
7. Shine Armors.
I looked at number 6 to see if I read it correctly and I did, oh my god what have I gotten my self into.?
So Magen went into another room and I got changed, then I went to the kitchen to fetch the Princes food.

The Tale Of The Lonely Prince-Asa ButterfieldWhere stories live. Discover now