Bathing The Prince

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I entered the bathroom and prepared the tub, uh oh there goes the bathe the Prince line up. He entered the bathroom and stood there. I handed him his clothes but he remained still and looked at me with confusion.
"What?" I asked.
He held his hands high and said,
"Undress me."
I stood there staring at him with a blank look in shock.
"Are you serious?"
"Well you are my servant so you have to do what you are told, go on undress me."
"Well there must be an exception because I'm a girl and you're a guy."
"There are no exemptions, each of my servants does this with me as a routine and they see nothing wrong with it."
I stood there speechless.
"Or would you want me to find a new servant?"
"Of course not! You win, I'll do it."
I walked over to him with uneasiness while he looked at me with a smirk and then he winked at me, oh he's so charming, why does he have to be so arrogant?
I gulped and put my hands at his robe.
My hands were shaking with uneasiness.
I can feel my self about to faint, oh god help me.
I pulled it off and I almost died, oh my god his abs were magnificent but his nakedness freaked me out. I had never seen him like that before. Before stepping into the tub, I noticed that his crotch was extremely swingy. Why did it have to be so swingy? His butt was, well, for lack of better words, adorable. He stepped into the tub and I got the towels ready for when he was done.
"Stevi?" Called the Prince.
"Yes Asa." I said after putting down the last of the towels.
"Please wash my hair." Ordered the Prince.
I wet the Prince's hair and began. He complained that the water was too hot. "I only like the water lukewarm and please use the right shampoo this time," he demanded. I wondered why he was so picky about simple shampoo. "What kind do you want?" I asked. "Lilac," was the answer. As soon as I finished with the shampoo ", I started the conditioner, and he wasn't too picky about it. Once I finished his hair, he asked me to bathe him. But he wanted to be bathed with a special type of soap. Citrus, to be exact. I began my task. "Not too hard! Don't scrub too hard!" he yelled as I scrubbed his crotch. Then he screamed all over again as I scrubbed his feet. After that was over, I scrubbed his butt. He surprisingly didn't scream. He felt good to have a full bath. The last two things I washed were his face and his back. Then I rinsed him.
"Not too hot! Not too cold!" he yelled. Then I handed him a towel. He said, "Dry me." I found it odd that he couldn't dry himself. First I dried his back. Then his feet. Since his feet were sensitive and ticklish, he wouldn't stand still long enough to dry. His butt was easier to dry, but I had to finish his feet.
"Stand still!" I said.
"I give the orders around here!" the Prince said annoyed. Lastly, I dried his crotch. That was even harder to dry. It was still swingy.
Then he handed me his clothes and he stood there with his arms up.
"Dress me." He demanded and I did what I was told and I dressed him. Now that the Prince has been fed and bathed I can do my next task of shining the armors.

The Tale Of The Lonely Prince-Asa ButterfieldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora