The Hidden

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Back at the alleys of Rat City, a homeless man is by Daniel, who was done screaming of what he had become and what he had done.

Homeless Man: Hey, Bobby, I think he's coming around.

Daniel gets up for a short second, but kneels back down.

Daniel: Mom... Sally...

The homeless man's friend named Bobby comes up behind him.

Bobby: Jesus Christ on a crutch, what the hell is that?

Homeless Man: I don't know. But he might need help.

The homeless man walks over to Daniel.

Homeless Man: Hey, mister, are you okay? You've been screaming and moaning for ten minutes.

Daniel gets up, which frightens the homeless man a little.

Daniel: Mother... Sally... They'll know who I am.

Daniel starts walking away.

Homeless Man: Maybe you should lie down or something, you know? Sleep it off, I know how I get. Too much thunderbird and dancing naked in Times Square.

Daniel ignores him as he stops for a moment.

Daniel: They're... my family! Elizabeth. Sally.

Bobby walks over to the homeless man.

Bobby: Are you crazy? You saw what he did to those poor bastards! Probably speeding on PCP or something!

The homeless man walks over to Daniel.

Homeless Man: Maybe what you need is a little hair...

As the homeless man offers Daniel beer, Daniel swats it out of the homeless man's hand and picks him up.

Daniel: Get away from me!

Homeless Man: I'm just trying to help, okay?

Daniel: I don't want your help!

Daniel lets go of the homeless man and pushes him back to Bobby.

As Daniel starts to walk away, he is approached by an old man.

???: What you want and need aren't the same. This place is a refuge from the Maelstrom.

Daniel: Get out of my way, old man.

Old Man: You don't fully remember, it doesn't matter. It's what you learn now that's important.

Daniel: I just wanna go home. Now move or be moved.

The old man backs up a bit, allowing Daniel to walk away.

Old Man: Listen, we all want to go home, my friend. But it's war we're getting there.

The old man walks away as Daniel walks away as well while hearing sirens.

Meanwhile, RCPD arrives and sees the dead bodies of the thugs that were killed. During the investigation, a fat man, revealing himself to be the detective of the Rat City Police Department named Sam Burke, alongside his partner, Twitch Williams, look at the body of the first thug that was thrown from the window and into a brick wall, shattering his skull.

 During the investigation, a fat man, revealing himself to be the detective of the Rat City Police Department named Sam Burke, alongside his partner, Twitch Williams, look at the body of the first thug that was thrown from the window and into a br...

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