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As the day continues, an undeniable tension permeates every interaction between the two of you. The weight of it hangs heavily in the air. As though it's a physical presence that you can almost reach out and touch, and after a while, it becomes almost unbearable to endure.

Simon, who usually fills the space around him with constant chatter and dialogue, even on the occasions when you refuse to engage in conversation, is uncharacteristically silent. His change in his demeanor is not lost on you, and you find yourself unwittingly mirroring his silence. Your own words dying in your throat before they can be given voice, too.

 Your mind is a tumultuous whirlpool of thoughts and emotions, a storm of confusion and uncertainty that refuses to settle. Despite this, you remain close to him, never straying far from his side. It's as if you are both tethered together by an unseen string that refuses to be broken.

You shadow him silently around the house, tracking his every move as he systematically transports all of your belongings to his bedroom. The only break in the palpable silence comes when he presents you with a pile of freshly washed, pristine white sheets. He asks, in a voice barely above a whisper that's almost drowned by the tension, if you could help him in changing the bedding. Without uttering a single word, you take the sheets from him and get to work, immersing yourself in this simple task, finding a sense of solace and normalcy amidst the chaotic storm brewing within your thoughts.

After dinner, you settle into the comfortable couch in the living room. The warm, ambient light casts a soft glow around the room. Simon guides you through the detailed expectations he has set for your behavior during the impending visit from his friend. His approach is exhaustive, leaving no stone unturned as he anticipates every conceivable situation that might arise during the visit, no matter how unlikely it may seem. His thoroughness extends to the tiniest of details, ensuring that there is no room for any unexpected surprises that could potentially disrupt the smooth flow of events.

"Johnny will come tonight," Simon states, his fingers tightly intertwined in a visible effort to hold back any involuntary twitching that might betray the anxiety lurking beneath his composed exterior. "By the time he arrives, you'll have already retired to your room for the night. So, the introduction can wait until the morning; you can meet him then."

You nod in understanding. Your gaze drifts to the clock mounted on the wall. A part of you, a small hopeful one, had wished to meet Simon's friend today. However, Simon's words and actions seem to suggest otherwise. From his demeanor, it appears he intends for you to remain isolated, safely tucked away within the confines of his bedroom.

There are to be no unnecessary conversations. If possible, let Simon answer all the questions. As long as Johnny stays here, refrain from going upstairs or into your bedroom. These are just a few of the new rules that Simon has imposed.

"Remember, if he asks how we met, tell him it was two months ago, at a club. We spent an entire month getting to know each other, dating, before you decided to move in with me," Simon instructs, his intense gaze capturing your attention entirely as he lays out the story. He pauses for a moment, allowing you to digest the information. He doesn't continue until he sees you nod your head, signifying that you're following along. "If the topic of my family ever comes up, let him know that I don't talk much about them or my past. As for your own family, if he's curious, just tell him that you're not quite ready to introduce us yet."

"If he asks about why you're staying at home all day and don't go to work, say that you're working from home," he continues, giving you a moment to absorb this flood of new information. "For the duration of his stay, each and every day, right after we finish lunch, you need to make an excuse that you have work commitments and then you must excuse yourself to the bedroom. Johnny won't pester either you or me with incessant questions about why you're not spending more time with us if he thinks you're busy with work."

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