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Choice and I had been put in a smaller cave of the tunnel with a guard at the entrance. I watched as the large wolf paced back and forth, restlessly. I glance over to Choice to see that none of this seemed to bother the quiet party member.

"What are we going to do now?" I ask Choice.

Choice opens an eye halfway. "We wait for things to play out of course. Be patient, everything will work out in your favor." Choice stated, closing both eyes to look as if sleeping while sitting.

"I'm glad you're so sure." I say as I lay down, resting my head on my forearms.

I glance up to see the large wolf starring at me. I lift my head. "What are you?" He asked in a gravely voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are not demon," he looked to my wings. "Nor wingless for sure... but I have seen the light and you are not one."

"He is neither." Choice called out. Eyes opened, standing. "He is the chosen Rex, the King to free us from this prison that our so called 'God' has put us in. Pitting us against each other like mindless, bloodthirsty, animals! He shall free us!"

The wolf stayed quiet and listened to every word. He opened his mouth to say something but a voice came from behind him. "Where'd you get that nonsense from?" It was Nightmare. "Was it from Daydream?" He asked, sneering the name.

The wolf stepped aside to let Nightmare be seen. "You actually believe in all that crap she's been spewing, don't you? You're just as stupid and arrogant as that bitch!" He shouts.

Choice, surprisingly still calm, had sat down. "You should too, Nightmare. It would mean you could see your mate again."

What was left of Nightmare's lips curled back into a snarl. "Why would I even want to see that stupid bitch, all she ever did was go on and on about dreams that would never come true!" He snapped.

Choice did not respond right away. "I didn't realize how far you have fallen Nightmare."

Nightmare lunged at Choice. He stopped just before taking a mouth full of fur, nose to nose with Choice. His wings pulled back and mouth partly open to show all of his jagged teeth.

Choice kept still and had eyes focused on Nightmare's. "Did I strick a nerve?"

Nightmare growled deeply. He clenched his teeth and stepped closer to where his mouth was next to Choice's ear. His mouth moved but I heard no words. Choice seemed to flinch, but it was so subtle I could have imagined it.

Nightmare snapped his jaw next to Choice's ear before spinning around to leave hastily, growling something to the wolf as he passed.

Choice calmly looked to me. "We can go now."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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