1~Down the Lonely Path

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It's nothing like they say. It hurts, but just feels like a dream at the same time.

I wasn't supposed to die today, it just happened... so unexpectedly, I didn't even realize it. I could've sworn I went back home. I guess I did, in a way, I just left my body behind. I can still remember my life, even though it's fading as I get farther away.

I'm all alone now. People all around me yet no one can see me, no one can hear me. It's just me.

I've forgotten what they called me and what they were called, but the memories stay. It was as if they're trying to torture me, but I know they wouldn't do so on purpose.

All there is left for me, it seems, is to continue along this path until I disappear... or the end of time....

I feel a strange wind. The air is still, but yet I can feel the wind, and it speaks to me. "Lonely wanderer, if you wish to be something again, leave your path and find your Choice."

As the wind passes the voice slowly fades. It makes me question if it's real. But what is real anymore? Even if it weren't real, there is nothing to lose if I follow what the wind says. It seems easier to just go down the path before me... but what if there is nothing for me at the end?

I have nothing to lose... but everything to gain.

I look at the path before me. The longer I look the further away the end seems. I've walk for awhile now, getting nowhere.

"Find your Choice."

Should I follow the wind? Well there's nothing for me down this road.

I take a step off the path and everything seemed to brighten up around me. I could remember my name again, and my family. All the memories from my life.

Before me stood what looks to be an angel, but also a demon. It's wings stretched out around me. One light, and one dark. It opened its mouth to speak but I could hear no words. Only the still wind blew across me, whispering, "Leave the path, your Choice will guide you."

I look back at the path I had been walking, the never-ending road to nowhere, then I look at the majestic creature I see before me. The choice is clear to me now.

The only question left, is if it's the right one.

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