1. welcome to hatchetfield

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"Do we really have to go through this again?" Asher Holloway said, as he pushed his bed-frame into his 'new' bedroom. His mother, Miss Holloway, puts a box down in the hallway and places her hands on her hips.

"Now, I know I don't need to be telling you this again, Ash" she says "You know why we can't just pack up and leave, kid. This town, these people need us." she walks up to her son and places her hands on his cheeks. "And I don't want these people to be alone when they actually need mine or your help."

Asher rolls his eyes and pushes his mothers hands off of his cheeks. "Yeah, I know, It just sucks that we have to go through the same routine all the time." he sighs "Something happens in Hatchetfield that we just have to fix and then if one of us dies, then we have to make everybody forget about us, move away for a month or two, and then come back with a slightly different last name and the same appearance as before." he crosses his arms and leans against his bedroom door frame.

Miss Holloway sighs and crosses her arms as well. "I know you hate all the back n forthin', kid. It sucks for me too. But it's just what needs to be done" she says, with a small, pitiful smile on her face. 

There is a ringing that emerges from the front area of the apartment of the Holloway's. Miss Holloway jumps at the sound and gasps. "Oh my gosh, I completely forgot. I need to get you to school, go get your things and lets split, kid." she pats Asher on the shoulder and runs into the front area of the apartment.

Asher rolls his eyes and walks into his empty bedroom. He grabs his backpack from the floor and slings it over his shoulder.

"C'mon, kiddo, we gotta get going!" Miss Holloway yells from the front area of the apartment. Asher walks out of his room. "Coming!" he yells back and goes to join his mom.

Asher and his mom exit the apartment and run down the stairs. Miss Holloway pulls her car keys out of her denim jacket. The two walk to Miss Holloway's 1987 pontiac firebird. Miss Holloway unlocks the car and opens the driver's side door. She slides into the car and opens the passenger door for Asher.

Asher slips into the car and shuts the door along with him. Miss Holloway starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.

Asher rolls down his window and sticks his feet out. Miss Holloway slides a tape into her tape player and music begins to flood into the car.

"Y'know, I was thinking of getting some extra help at the diner this time around, maybe you can get some people to come check it out?" Miss Holloway says, with a small smile on her face. Asher nods "Yeah, I'll try, I won't make any promises though."

As the music in the car begins to end, the car enters the parking lot of Hatchetfield High. The car pulls up to the entrance of the school and Miss Holloway looks over at Asher.

"Please try and be careful today, we don't want another first day mishap to happen again, okay?" Miss Holloway smiles at Asher. Asher nods and gets out of the car.

Asher walks into the school as Miss Holloway drives away. Asher enters the office and looks around for any form of an adult or guide.

There is a tap on Ashers' shoulder, he turns around and is faced with a person smiling widely at him.

"Hi, you must be the new kid. I'm Max Jägerman, your tour guide"

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