I awoke that day to a message from Bethany, a girl I had recently met in my calculus class. I had no idea how I'd ended up in an advanced calculus class with seniors, including Roman. To avoid school the previous day, I faked being sick, so Bethany wanted to fill me in on everything I'd missed. As she relayed the news, she mentioned that Roman had been silent as a turtle. I found her simile puzzling, but I brushed it aside. I replied with a casual idc, to which she responded You don't. Really Autumn?

As I was about to answer, Bethany appeared right beside me. "Hello Miss I don't care" she teased.

"Really?", I asked with a chuckle at her playful nickname. Bethany accompanied me to class and brought me up to speed on everything that had occurred.

"He was jealous", she commented.

"What?", I asked confused.

"Dude, he was jealous of Jake", she explained.

"No, he wasn't. This is Roman we are talking about."

"Exactly", she said. I waved her off and headed to the lunch line, regretting the fact that I had been telling her everything that had happened with Roman and I. I got my meal and sitted at my usual table. Bethany was still in the lunch line, so I was alone at that moment. Evelyn and Cassie walked right past me, with Evelyn ignoring me, seemingly too engrossed in her own thoughts. I lost myself in my own musings, and that is when Roman sat down across from me.

"Yes?" I sighed, suddenly aware of his presence.

"I came to apologize", he began, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted ..."

"To protect me?", I completed his sentence. Despite my anger, I wanted to forgive. Roman had been by my side since I was a kid and I knew he cared for me. He did have a weird way of showing it since we were kids, but I still knew it was there.

"Am I interrupting something?" Bethany asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"No", I snapped out of my daze, "Roman was just leaving."

I turned to him, who had clearly gotten the message. He stood up and winked, "See you in class Falls."

"Autumn watched as Roman walked away wondering if she would ever see him again, and those feelings were indeed still there", Bethany narrated humorously as Roman departed.

"Oh, shut up", I rolled my eyes. She laughed and proceeded to start eating her lunch. Opening a carton of milk she asked, "How long do you think this has been on school grounds?"

"Give it or take three years", I replied sarcastically.

"De-li-cious," she declared, taking a sip from the carton.

"Ew", I exclaimed nearly retching, "You disgust me, Bethany Wells."

"And you confuse me, Autumn Falls," she retorted.

"So change of plans", I began, "Evelyn has been begging me for a birthday party while my dad is out of town for ages now. I finally started to cave to the idea, so, I need your help."

I had just completed my swimming training, preparing to leave in haste so I could concentrate on my impending English class presentation. My steps were purposeful as I crossed the pool complex, navigating the corridors.

Suddenly, I came upon Jordan, my designated partner for the project."Hey Autumn, you're looking stunning," Jordan complimented with his usual charm. He had a knack for flirting, often without even realizing it. I chuckled, acknowledging his compliment. "Hey, what's up?" I inquired. "Yeah, I need to talk to you," he hesitated. "I'm sorry, Autumn, but I can't be your partner anymore." "But the presentation is tomorrow," I protested, panic creeping in. "I know, and I'm perfectly fine working with you," he began, "but I'd rather not sport a broken nose. I'm going to step away."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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