Chapter 1/Bio

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Y/N is 17 years old and is 6,1 213 pounds. He has your hair color and eye color

You carry a black backpack, a special phone you made and tinkered with so that it can heal your Pokémon on the go, and a tiny little knife just incase something bad happens.

Your team is

3:metagross (your mega)

Pokémon that you frequently switch in and out of your pc


Now our story begins

Y/N would have just stepped off his plain moving his hand up like a his or to shield his eyes from the sun as he would sigh and mutter "welcome to the sinoh region" as he would thank all the plane staff and after checking his phone for his temporary hotel he would just begin to walk along a route to where his hotel was in celstic town as he would check his phone and would open pokenet (I made it up it's like twitter of Pokémon) as he would see dozens of pictures of people announcing diantha was also on a trip to the sinnoh region and also to the same town Y/N would begin to think "wow 3 champion in one town wonder how this will pan out and two beautiful ones at that" while many other would consider Y/N cute or handsome he would always consider himself ugly as he would finally arrive in the town "bout time" he'd say beginning to walk to his inn/hotel as he would hear a battle going on in the distance but he would have just arrived at the hotel,but Y/N being Y/N he would order a employee to take his bags to his room or else he'd let his dragapult have some fun with him as the employee would shudder in fear as Y/N would release his dragonite hopping on its back "ok bud head towards those explosions over there!" As dragonite would fly over as he would see someone he would immediately recognize as Cynthia the champion of this region fighting diantha as Y/N would watch on in curiosity as he would land on some bleachers near the battlefield as paparazzi would be filming with multiple tv stations there as Y/N would see mega garchomp and gardevior battling it out.......

Cynthia pov

"GARCHOMP USE DRAGON PULSE" shed yell as garchomp would fire a dragon pulse but she would look on at gardevior as it would fire a moon blast as the two energy attacks would clash but Cynthia would already be ahead as the two attacks would cancel eachother out making another explosion but Cynthia would have ordered garchomp to use dragon claw through the smoke as garchomp would charge towards gardevior as fast as it would finally landing the finishing blow as gardevior would faint as the two trainers would walk to the middle and give each other a hug "amazing battle Cynthiai hope we can have another one sooner or later" as Cynthia would nod as the two would break from the hug and walk there separate ways.......

Back to Y/N

Y/N would be staring at a group of men in black and they would whisper as diantha would begin to walk alone as the men would follow behind her as Y/N would seem suspicious as he would say "ok bud let's make sure she gets home safe" as Y/N would begin to follow them through the air as 2 men from the group would approach diantha one on each side and they would both grab her shoving a rag in her mouth and dragging her into an alleyway

Thug number 1 pov

"Awesome we got the champion right here now strip her down I wanna see that juicy ass in person now" as the man would gain a devilish grin as they would begin to rip her jacket and shirt off as they would see shadows at the end of the alleyway as a man would step into the frame "h-hey who the hell are you!" As Y/N would take one step his mere presence making the thugs become terrified as one thug would run at Y/N with a knife extended as Y/N would proceed to beat the man within a inch of his life in seconds as the man would swing his knife Y/N would smack the arm out of the way grabbing his wrist pinching the man in the face twice then backhanding him and would then gran the man's head shove it in the roof of the dumpster slamming the lid on his head 4 times as the man would crumble to the ground as Y/N would stand there and would say two words "who's next........"

Y/Ns pov

The next thug ran at me as I would kick him in the stomach as he would double over as I would then elbow the back of his throat and would then smash his face off the brick wall earning loud gasps from the other people in the alleyway "this is your only chance to let her go or this will happen to all of you" as they still could not see his face through the shadows only a silhouette as another thug would charge Y/N as Y/N would then sweep his legs and would grab a trash can lid slamming in on to the man's throat as the man would yell but Y/N would kick him to knock him out as the last man would let diantha go and run but Y/N would release his dragon Pult and would say "break his kneecaps and fingers........" as the dragonpult would leave for a split second then return as Y/N would then look at the terrified champion "p-p-please don't hurt me..." she'd say begging as Y/N would step into the light "hey hey shhh it's just me not bad guy here" as diantha would be relieved "y-Y/N it's yiu as she would hug Y/N finally happy to be safe as Y/N would blush for a second before picking her up "ok we're taking yiu to the hospital then police station as the girl would try to squirm out of Y/Ns grasp but to no avail "p-please Y/N I'm fine" as Y/N would trace his finger along a huge gash in her arm "this is not fine diantha you need to get this checked out as Y/N would release his metagross as he would hop on while still carrying diantha

Diantha pov

I feel so warm and safe right here in his arms kinda like a never ending hug from my mother. As shortly after I woukd feel metagross land as I would be taken inside but almost immediately ripped away from Y/Ns arms much to my dismay and taken for medical treatment........

End of this chapter

Pokémon The false Champion (male reader x Cynthia and diantha)Where stories live. Discover now