Chapter 3 meeting with one person on the same boat

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With Cynthia

"N-no way that didn't convince people" as online cynthia would be receiving hate for threatening people as she obviously must have paid them into saying it atleast those were the thoughts of other people as she would be crying as she would get notifications of a new video blowing up of the thugs talking about how they were trying to save diantha from the ruthless,perverted, menace Y/N and for so,e reason people were actually believing it as Cynthia's sobs could be heard from houses over.

Y/Ns pov

Y/N would be walking around kanto a little bit as he would be walking in a town called wait what was it challet town? No that dosent sound right mallet town? No off again Ah yes! Pallet town. As Y/N would walk by a house to see a boy being attacked by a large group of people "WE CANT BELIVE YOU ASH HOW CAN YOU BE SO WEAK TO COME SECOND IN THE CALOS LEAGUE" as a mom presumably in her late 40s along with more teenagers were berating one boy as Y/N would have had enough after a while of listing but he would see all of the teenagers release there Pokémon. Some notable ones being a steelix, dragonite, glacieon, blaziken, and venasaur, mamoswine, and piplub, and a crustle, along with a golduck and Gyrados. As the boy would be pleading "come on misty, brock please I tried as hard as I could and that should be what matters!" As he would shift his gaze over a little "and May you know how hard I worked please give me one more chance!" As he would look to another chunk of people "Dawn Iris Cilan Clemont and Serena please think about how much fun we had together on the way this loss shouldn't define us!" As everyone would give there pokemon a command Before the boy on the ground could reach for a pokeball Y/N would push the boy away as the boy would look on in shock as one would begin to chase him a blonde boy with a lighting bolt shape at the front of his head as Y/N would extend his arm stopping him "wow look at this a 10v1 how fair and all of this because of a loss?! It's insane" as a girl would walk up "HEY YOU BETTER APOLOGIZETO MY FRIEND OR YOUR GONNA PAY!" As Y/N would hear the words being whispered "Flash cannon" as Y/N would relase Charizard as he would brush off the attack with no problem as he would then lower his hood but some memebers would split away chasing the other boy as Y/N would run but would be hit with a thunder bolt shocking him as Charizard would rush into battle as dragapult and dragonite would break out of there poke balls followed by metagross. As they would all begin to fall but one would obviously be stalling a single hit and Y/N would have finally beaten them "pathetic......." As Y/N would turn off after the other getting on his dragapult "come on boy find em" as Y/N would arrive to a sad sight blood on the floor, a gravely injured talon flame and noiverm a hawlucha slumped against a tree a tiny mice pokemon in a crater and a dragon type with a purple underbelly on the verge of death as Y/N would follow a trail of destruction in the woods only to see a odd looking greninja fighting for its life against the steelix, Gyrados, venasaur, and glaceon as it would be obviously struggling as all of the trainers would be beating the boy named ash to the ground with sticks and logs as the burly one named brock would swing a sharp rock barley missing ashes eye and cutting deep into his cheek as Y/N would hear the cry's of agony as this would infuriate Y/N beyond belief as Y/N woukd gran the tall one and punch him in the face repeatedly " HRAH AHH GRAHHHHHH" as he would finish it off by sweeping his leg as Y/N would stomp on his head once knocking the bot out as Y/N would release his full team to help the greninja who just got slammed down by the venasaur through 4 trees as Y/N would then grab them blonde one slamming him into a tree by the collar of his shirt then would punch him in the face 7 times breaking some bones as Y/N would have heard some crunches as Y/N would throw the boy 10 yards into a tree as the boy would fall to the ground in pain as the girls would rush at him swinging sticks as Y/N would never hit a woman...................

But he would trip them as the girls would obviously be tired of wing and could barely control there movements Y/N would sidestep a slash from them both at his head as he would trip them both as they would both crash face first into a tree knocking them out on impact as Y/N would be panting as he would see a flash cannon pointed at the greninja from behind as Y/N would make the split second decision to tackle the greninja out of the way as the cannon would zoom over his head but Y/N would then go immediately check up on the boy applying some limited first aid as all the Pokémon and trainers would have been defeated.

As Y/N would return his team but he would then feel a godly presence behind him as he would turn to be faced with the good of Pokémon himself arceus as Y/N would be in shock but the boy would then float in the air as arceus would say "you were involved in the attack on the chosen one!" As arceus would be enraged "n-no I was trying to help him!" Y/N would retort as the god would narrow his gaze "LIAR!" As he would be forming a attack at the mouth but Y/Ns pokemon would appear in-front of the blast as they would all be charging there own attacks just like a Mexican standoff as arcues would fire judgement as his Pokémon would release there attacks in a futile effort. As Y/N would be heavily injured as he would crawl towards his Pokémon checking on them as he would feel for a pulse on Mewtwo it was there then entei there.... But just barley. As he would crawl to dragapult as his breaths would be very shallow as he would stick his hand on dragonite neck moving it back and forth constantly only to feel........... nothing as Y/N would begin to cry "N-NO GODDAMN YOU!"As Y/N would rush towards arceus punching the barrier in between them "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!!!!"

As arceus would send him back into a tree but something would begin to radiate off of Y/N as arceus would mutter "it can't be.............. one of them hasn't been around in a millennium...." As raw energy would radiate off of Y/N firing it at arceus barrier actually putting a small crack in it as the god Pokémon would kick Y/N with its hove like leg as Y/N would be flat on his back as he would look up again only to see the god Pokémon and the boy named ash gone as the champion would crawl towards his Pokémon returning them all as he would begin his journey to the Pokémon center and with blood dripping down his face which freaked nurse joy out he gave her 5 of the 6 Pokémon balls to nurse joy as he would cry over the 6th one thinking of his now lost friend dragonite


Y/N would have been playing with his Metang 10 years ago until a mean tepig would have been attacking mega shooting multiple embers at it as Y/N would cry seeing his friend get hurt but out of nowhere a dragonair would use aqua tail on it knocking the mean Pokémon out as Y/N would cheer running and hugging the serpent Pokémon and would return metang to bring him to the Pokémon center

Pokémon The false Champion (male reader x Cynthia and diantha)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora