Chapter two " A Hero Turned into a villain"

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We would start off seeing Y/N walking but a plastic cup would be thrown at him "BOOOOOOO WHY WOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO RAPE DIANTHA" that sentence would make Y/N freeze in his tracks as his blood would run cold as he would turn only to be surrounded by a angry mob all on the subject of how he supposedly "tried to rape diantha" as Y/N woukd push through the people only to see newspapers being sent out everywhere that Y/N was a rapist and with diantha unconscious because someone messed up her dosage of medicine and Cynthia being pressured by the media Y/N would have no help here as officer Jenny would zoom up on her bike as she would sic her manentric on Y/N as it would bite him "AHHH SHIT" he'd say clutching his wrist wincing at the pain as he would kick the dog off and would quickly summon his dragonite as he would fly away "j-Jesus what's gotten into those people I SAVED diantha not raped her" as his dragonite wouod grunt in agreement as someone would suddenly kick Y/N off of dragonite "GAH" Y/N would say spitting blood it was definitely a Pokémon ordered by a trainer as Y/N would begin to fall from the sky and with his dragonite battling the trainer he was thinking "crapppp who can I send out that can carry me" as he would smirk throwing a pokeball attached to a string so that he dosent lose it it was metagross as Y/N would fall onto his Pokémon as it would begin to fly away as dragonite would follow having taken care of the trainer as Y/N would land in a different part of the city because he had to back to his hotel to get some more of his stuff but the hotel wouldn't let him in as Y/N would sigh and would push past them kicking down the door to his room to grab his stuff loading it up onto metagross as he would relase the rest of his team from his pc and his party he has on him to stand guard while he packs. "And ready to go...... can't believe I have to do this because those pieces of shit lied and said I tried to rape diantha they better HOPE AND GODDAMN PRAY I never see them again" as Y/N would have punched a hole in the wall worrying his Pokémon as he would get on metagross as he would take flight having dragonite on his left and Charizard on his right and dragonpult behind all during flight to make sure he wasn't attacked again as Y/N would arrive to a very secluded moutain only the select few given permission to enter can enter. And by that I mean Mt.Silver as Y/N would land at the peak and would just begin to breakdown slowly "HOW CAN THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD TURN THERE BACKS ON ME BECAUSE OF A FEW ACCUSATIONS AFTER ALL THAT I DID!!"

Flashback to when Groudon and Kroger attacked

Y/N would be seen standing on top of the fallen ground on fainted as Y/N would then have all his Pokémon carry him back to his volcano and Y/N would invest 100s and thousands of dollars into rebuilding and also saved around 87 lives that day

Another flashback to when the comet of destiny arrived (I made this up so yeah)

The comet said in ancient scriptures finally came to be closing in on earth while everyone was saying goodbye there was one man who didn't Y/N L/N in the face of defeat Y/N fought back as he and his Pokémon managed to destroy the comet saving the planet from its wrath

Back to Mt.Silver

His Pokémon would begin to huddle around there master trying to console him Y/N the banshee champion now his location unknown as Y/N would then grab his phone and extract all his Pokémon and out all there pokeball in a bug back while kanl8ng them one by one as he would still be sobbing as Y/Ns main Pokémon would be having a small meeting to themselves as Mewtwo would lead the conversation "foolish humans look what they did to him,one of there main saviors outcasted because some lowly thugs spread a false rumor" as Mewtwo would shoot a rock into the sky as he would begin to shoot one after another after another and they would all head directly towards celstic town making it look like a bo,bing run had happened with all the boulders and craters as Y/N would set up a small hut still crying but eventually Y/N would recall all his Pokémon back into there balls and would line them up next to him incase he had to grab them quick

2 hours later

"Y/N would hear footsteps outside his tent only to see a man with a red hat and jacket with blue pants just standing on the peak overseeing the kanto and johoto regions as the man would turn and would stuck out a pokeball with two fingers on top the classic hitchhiker sign for a battle as Y/N would look on in shock "I'm not going to battle I can't battle I'm not in the right mindset as the man would mutter a few words "battle or I will make sure you ever see Cynthia or diantha again" and that's all Y/N needed to hear as he would throw out his dragonite........

With Cynthia

"Y-Y/N would never do that I know it" as Cynthia would be sobbing in her couch as some said they saw Y/N flying away in the direction of kanto as Y/N her childhood friend and fellow champion was being accused of rape and was publicly hated for it now as cynthia would begin a search around the city by herself for the thugs as she wouldn't have to go far.... As she would approach a group of men that look suspicious as she would see them eyeing up some girls battling but cynthia would send out her garchomp as it would grab one of the men and hold him up "I KNOW YOU WERE THE REAL ONES WHO TRIED TO RAPE DIANTHA NOW ADMIT IT!" As the thug wouldn't look as scared as when he saw Y/N but still scared "hey bitch I don't know what your talki-" as he would be cut off be being thrown in the air "AHHHHHHHHHH" is what they would all hear as he would be stopped falling by cynthia on her togekiss "TELL ME NOWWW OR YOUR DEAD". As the thug would now look terrified "OK OK IT WAS US JUST PLEASE DONT KILL ME WE TRIED TO RAPE DIANTHA AT 4:32 PM RIGHT AFTER YOU GUYS BATTLED" as cynthia would have been recording and would have posted the video as it would be gaining traction very fast and making new headlines. "Please Y/N......... come home......" she'd say about to cry again but she knew she had to stay strong for the people....... But more importantly herself......

Back on Mount Silver
Just some info here's reds team real quick because I forget some of the games but I remember some so this is his team for this universe 1. Pikachu 2. Charizard. 3. Venasaur. 4. Arcanime. 5. Machamp. 6. Articuno so there's reds team for this universe because I have some plans for red

It would be a fierce battle Y/N would be down by one pokemon as he would send out his Mewtwo as the two would fist bump..... as reds arcanine would be out and Mewtwo knew he had to give it all he got because he knew Y/N couknt give commands properly because of his mental state and Mewtwo knew that's why they were close to losing "master........... I will win for us don't worry......." As Mewtwo would be right ight to arcanine and would charge a quick psystrike sending the beast tumbling away  as it would slowly stand up and would dodge a  quick psycho cut from Mewtwo as red would yell "QUICK USE FLAMETHROWER THROUGH THE SMOKE!" As arcanine would fire but Y/N would think "Mewtwo.............. he needs me to be a better trainer and do better in battle so I must to better!" "MEWTWO DODGE IT AND JUMP ABOVE THE SMOKE AND SEND AS MANY OSYCO CUTS ARE YOU CAN AT THE GROUND MAKING A MAKESHIFT EARTHQUAKE!" As Mewtwo would turn smirk and then nod jumping over and sending 10 powerful psycho cuts and the ground making a makeshift earthquake as arcanine would be stumbling "MEWTWO QUICK I KNOW THIS ISNT A MOVE BUT PUNCH THAT ARCANINE IN THE FACE AS HARD AS YOU GODDAMN CAN". As Mewtwo would oblige finishing off the arcanine as red would grip his last pokeball tightly "ok buddy it's all up to you......." as red would throw at a Charizard as it would begin to shine "y-you have got to be kidding me" Y/N would say as Mewtwo would turn and give a reassuring smirk as the black a blue bubble containing Charizard would burst revealing it to be mega evolved "CHARIZARD USE DRGON CLAW!" As the Charizard would charge towards Mewtwo as Mewtwo would dodge quickly and would then fire a psycho cut sending Charizard back as Y/N would smirk "QUICK FOLLOW THAT UP WITH PSYCHIC!" Y/N would yell as Mewtwo woukd slam the Charizard down on the ground and through a little bit of the mountain as a fire last would be shot through the smoke hitting Mewtwo "Mewtwo!" Y/N woukd shout as Mewtwo would rise again charging at Charizard as Charizard would use dragon claw but Mewtwo would backflip over him appearing behind Charizard as for Y/N everything would slow down as he would begin to open his mouth and it even seemed like the wind stopped "MEWTWO USE ZEN HEADBUT!" As  Mewtwo would jump up like a volleyball player and slam his skull onto the back of Charizard slamming it into the ground as Mewtwo would also use psychic making the impact harder on Charizard as the beasts eyes would now be squiggly circles. As Y/N and red would meet in the middle and shake eachothers hands as red would leave mount silver but before he did he would give Y/N a phone with a singular number saved "if you ever need help with a threat.......... Call me and I'll be there........"

That's where we're gonna end for today have an amazing day or night

Pokémon The false Champion (male reader x Cynthia and diantha)Where stories live. Discover now