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(May contain Slurs and violence !!)

Henry ended up stopping at a restaurant before going to school, he was already late so why not. He ended up showing up to school an hour late instead, so now it was in the middle of 2nd period.

Henry walked into class, walking over to his seat, he sat in front of Patrick and next to Vic. Immediately the teacher noticed his late arrival. "Detention Bowers."
He stared, rolling his eyes. "Whatever." He grumbled.

3rd person:
Patrick sat in second period, staring at Henry's empty seat in front of him. He was a bit bummed out, Henry wasn't at school and he got detention last period. In the middle of class he watched Henry saunter in, he sighed in relief, not having to hear anything else from Vic and Belch about Henry. He watched him sit in his seat, the teacher announcing Henry's Detention. That creepy smirk crawled onto his face. He sat up from his once sluggish position to lean forward to Henry's ear. "Don't worry Hen, i got detention too." His smirk could be heard in his words. Those words earned a glare and a half-assed slap from Henry. He chuckled to himself, leaning back in his seat again.

Henry POV:
After around 20 minutes the bell rang, kids paraded out of the classroom leaving Patrick, Belch and Henry in the class. Henry gathered his stuff and went to walk out before Belch spun him around, asking why he was so late. He immediately moved his hand off. "My alarm didn't go off, so I woke up late." He shrugged. He felt an arm snake around his shoulder. He groaned and glared up at Patrick who was smiling that creepy smile at him. He sighed, if his hands weren't full he would've moved his arm off. He walked away from the two, leaving the class. He glanced behind him, of course Patrick was following him. He sighed and went to his locker, shifting all his stuff to one arm to open his locker. Patrick leaned against the locker beside him, that smile plastered to his face it felt. He got his locker open, shoving his stuff in. "Wanna skip?" He heard Patrick say to him. He shrugged. "Why not." He looked over at him, standing up to shut his locker. He turned around, hearing a familiar couple of voices, the loser club. He looked at Patrick, smirking. They walked up to them. "Hey fags."  Henry shoved Bill back hearing a "q-q-quit." Come from the boy. "N-n-no!" He mocked, laughing. Patrick smirked, taking out his lighter which caused them all to scurry. He rolled his eyes. "No fun." Patrick laughed.

After a little bit they had hidden themselves away in the bathroom to skip their class. The only thing they really did was smoke cigarettes and weed.

After the bell rang for the end of that period they made their way into the cafeteria, Patrick following Henry like a lost puppy, though he had slung his arm around the younger boy's shoulder, Henry immediately protested against it and shoved his arm away, Patrick only sneering in response.

Once they got to lunch, of course Henrys dad didnt give him lunch money, he never did, so he usually took some of Eddies or bill's food. And of course neither of them did anything, they were scared of him.

He strolled up to bill. "Whats for lunch?" He grabbed one of the foods that was wrapped in tinfoil off his plate, unwrapping it and taking a big bite out of the dry hamburger before setting it back onto his tray before bill could even really stutter out anything. He groaned and walked away, sitting with Belch, Vic, and Patrick. He chose to sit next to Belch since he usually shared his food with him.

Belch stared for a minute. "Dude! Where have you been?" Belch sighed, talking about his absence through 1st, 2nd and 3rd period.

Henry rolled his eyes. "I was late, then skipped with Patrick 3rd period." He shrugged it off, grabbing the apple off Belches tray and taking a bite out of it.

Patrick slowly put his foot up against Henry's under the table, sneering at him as he waited for his reaction.

Henry shot him a quick glare, but he didnt say anything about it.

Time Skip because school is boring.

Henry continued his day per usual, protesting against Patricks fag antics all day.

Now the two of them sat in detention together, it was silent as the teacher had told them "No talking!" In her annoying high-pitched voice.

Henry slowly leaned back in his seat, spacing out and losing hinself in his thoughts before a paper being placed on his desk by Patrick snapped him out of it. He picked it up, reading it in his head.

Yo, this is so boring

The paper read, he glanced over at Patrick before replying on the paper.

I agree.

Henry made a tic-tac-toe table and made a circle in the top right corner of it before passing it back.

Patrick read it before smirking, making something on the paper before sliding it on Henry's desk.

Henry noticed the X in the middle of the tic-tac-toe table.

They continued to do this for a bit until eventually Patrick one, all the others were ties between the two, and Henry got upset, eventually scribbling out the board after losing.

Patrick then passed a small ripped off part from a paper with the words.

Wanna head to the junkyard after this?

Henry stared suspiciously for a moment. "Just dont try anything weird." He whispered to him, remembering the last time they were at the Junkyard and how Patrick had to tell everyone that hid black-eye was from his little cousin, what an idiot.

Patrick put his hands up in a innocent manner, sneering.

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