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(May contain Slurs and violence !!)

Henry and Patrick arrived at the Junkyard, Patrick had that stupid sneer on his face, though that was normal. Patrick had his arm around Henry's shoulder, but there was no one around so Henry didn't protest it much.

Henry groaned. "What are even gonna do, i guess we could punch in some windows or light something on fire, but the fun of that is limited. Y'know?"

Patrick shrugged a bit, looking towards Henry. A sneer slowly crept up on his face, his hand sneaking down to grab the side of his waist.

Henry immediately glared at him, removing his hand. "Quit. I aint a fairy, freak." He groaned, taking a few steps away. "God you're so weird." He shook his head in disapproval.

Patrick snuck up behind him, placing his hands on his waist. "Oh cmon Hen."

Henry tensed up before elbowing him in the nose, causing Patrick to stumble backward. "Quit fucking touching me, Fag." He turned around to look at him.

Patrick had stumbled back, holding his nose that was streaming crimson red now, though that smile stayed plastered on his face, what a freak. He slowly looked at Henry again, attempting to wipe some of the blood away with the back of his hand, only smearing it across his face though. He slowly took a step towards him. "Or what?"

Henry's face contorted with frustrated anger. He grabbed Patrick's shirt collar, bringing their faces uncomfortably close. "Or ill fucking kill you." He hissed.

Patrick raised an eyebrow. "I'd like to see you try." He locked eyes with him.

Henry grumbled, quickly punching him across the face. "Shut the fuck up, Hockstetter! I'm serious." He shoved him back.

Patrick stumbled back, into a car, Sneering. He went to move from the car but was quickly shoved back into the car by Henry who was now standing in front of him. Henry was angrily talking to him, But of course Patrick was not listening to a word his said, all he could focus on was his lips and the way his hands gripped his shirt.

Henry had begun to inch his face closer, to make sure that Patrick was really listening to his angry words.

Patrick was enjoying how worked up Henry had gotten, and the proximity of their faces. Slowly, Patrick leaned in to slowly connect their lips.

Henry's eyes widened, but he didn't really pull away, without thinking he slowly leaned into the kiss himself, closing his eyes.

Patrick slowly slid his hands onto his waist, spinning them around so Henry was pushed up against the car instead. He tilted his head slightly to deepen the kiss. Suddenly Henry shoved him off, panting slightly.

Patrick's smirked crept back onto his face. "Not bad Bowers." He commented, granting him a swift uppercut to his jaw.

Henry growled. "What the fuck! I am NOT a Faggot Patrick!" He yelled at him.

Patrick chuckled. "I dunno dude. That seemed pretty Fairy of you." He snickered, getting an elbow to his stomach, causing him to wince. "Woah dude, okay. I won't tell anybody." He winked.

Henry growled. "You better not or ill have your head Hockstetter." He groaned. "I'm going home."

Patrick frowned. "Awh, but it was just getting fun.."

Henry rolled his eyes. "It's getting late, my dad will skin me if i don't get home."he began to walk out of the Junkyard.

Patrick began to walk with him. "I'll just walk you home." Henry quickly began to protest about how his dad already thinks he's a fag and what not. He rolled his eyes. "Fine fine, catch you later than hen" he teased as he walked off.

Henry groaned, beginning to walk home.

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