Astral 10.5 - Story so far...

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In the far future, when the galaxy has been considered conquered by humankind.

The discovery of an element that was not in the periodic table, Nebulite, created a separation that the history of humankind has never seen.

This mysterious element gave powers to users whose blood was mixed with this element; the power could not be determined by scientific methods as they would be random. Although users have stated that their powers can be hereditary.

These humans who had powers would be considered Xenohumans and those whose nebulite concentration was not high enough to give them powers would be considered Primahumans.

This created a rift in which the Primahumans would be considered superior and Xenohumans would be considered inferior with many of the first Xenohumans being killed by government order to keep the Primahuman line pure, this brought around a new type of hierarchy, in which many governments either banish, enslave, experiment on, or even kill Xenohumans in an effort to keep the bloodline clean as they would treat Xenohumans worse than insects in many nations.

Some Xenohumans were smart and powerful enough to escape from these planets that would persecute them, when a group of Xenohumans managed to escape from the tyrannical rule of the United Nations, they decided to create their own government outside the reach of any of these Xenohuman hating worlds. The leader of this group was called Velmar Novasong, and they succeeded in hiding from the galaxy's nations by conquering a planet that was terraformed but removed from all star charts due to how long it took to get there and other cosmological events. They named the planet Elysium as it is a sanctuary for Xenohumans as they are under the rule of a Xenohuman King or Queen.

The last princess of the Novasong family was Rosalina Novasong, a young Xenohuman who has power over magnetic fields and metallic objects, she strived to become the next ruler of Elysium, but Elysium was found.

The Confederacy of Galactic Independence wants the entire galaxy under a single ruler, their ruler, they are not afraid of attacking anyone, be it Xenohuman or Primahuman until they get their goal, when they found Elysium, they took almost the entire planet hostage including the princess.

After she managed to escape from their prison, she found her way to Coryzen. And joined their army as they could provide her with shelter and food, she also changed her name to avoid attention. Coryzen is a planet that is friendly to all Xenohumans, but they don't make that fact openly known as they don't want to incur the wrath of the galaxy's other nations.

There she met Joseph, a recently promoted Coryzen Royal Navy Commander who was assigned to teach her, after a surprise attack of the confederacy, she had to reveal her powers to Joseph, and tried to run away, but when she met a CRN commander who tried to arrest her on a false order, it was revealed that she faked her name and was a significant figure in a faraway planet.

After running away because of a scare, and revealing her past to Joseph, he promised that he would take her home, although she initially refused his help, she accepted it and it marked the start of a long journey to find Elysium by following the path of Rosalina's ancestors, all the way from their first official settling in Coryzen before it was habited, to the current location of Elysium, she only hopes that there is still a place to return home to...

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