Astral 17 - Preparing for the journey ahead

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After they finished their meal and paid, Joseph pulled Henry aside.

"Hey Henry..." Joseph said. "Tell me, how can I contact this, Brandon?"

"He lives here on Coryzen actually," Henry answered.

"He does?"

"Yep. He currently lives in the old Starline Estate. But you will have to search for a bit considering how big that place is."

"I'll see what I can do... Thanks again. You won't be seeing me for a while."

"I thought so." He said back. "But tell me... do you really believe her? What if she is lying?"

"I know she is not. My mother was from that planet, and I have heard father talk about Elysium."

"So, you are actually doing it?"

"Yes, and I ask you, if anyone from the CRN besides my father asks where I am, do not tell them, today I discovered that the CRN is actually infiltrated by Confederacy troops."

"You are kidding?!"

"I am not, one of them almost killed her."

"I'll be careful." He extended his hand to Joseph. "Hope we see each other again someday."

"So do I Henry."

"Come on Joseph," Melody called. "There is something that I must tell you."

Joseph quickly headed towards Melody.

"Tell me."

"I actually managed to contact Oliver."

"Anything to report?"

"Yes. He told me to make sure you are off the grid, you must call your father through one of the public phones at a cyber cafe."

"Got it..." He answered. "Did he tell you anything else?"

"He also told me that there have been more than 3000 arrests of CRN personnel because they have been leaking info to the Confederacy, seems most of them thought that with the Confederacy attack, they could send data in the chaos... This is getting ugly quick. He also told me that the UN is coming here."

"The UN is coming here?!" He said surprised.

"What is so shocking about that?" Rosalina asked.

"The Unified Nations is one of the largest navies in the galaxy, and if they come here, and things don't work out, the CRN might be absorbed into the UN and many of the CRN officers actually despise the UN because of their ways. and they are one of the first who are against Xenohumans. But instead of actually making them slaves they just straight up kill them."

"What?!" Rosalina said shocked. "How can they do that?"

"About five percent of the CRN staff is comprised of low-level Xenohumans, the UN will probably snuff them out."

"We must leave Coryzen before they arrive," Melody said. "When they arrive, they will want to interrogate everyone, you will not be able to leave, and they will absolutely capture Rosalina."

"Let's just go to a Cyber Cafe and call father before we head to Brandon," Joseph said.

"Are we really going to use him?" Rosalina asked. "All the things he did--"

"I am not completely happy with that, but he is one of the only people who I think is going to take this odd job of ours."

"Come on," Melody said. "Let's hurry."

After walking around town and entering a cyber cafe that had a functioning phone. Joseph started to dial his father's phone.

"I will wait outside in case Confederacy or CRN troops come here," Melody said. "What will you do Rosalina?"

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