Astral 18 - Director Forrest

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Joseph and Rosalina followed Oliver outside as he brought them to the vehicle that he came in, it was a large military van which Joseph was familiar with as they are used for many different tasks, and he has even ridden in them as part of his training as a CRN commando.

"In the back there are all types of ammo and weapons." Oliver informed Joseph. "Take what you need now, there will be no later."

Joseph nodded and headed to the back of the van.

"The two of you." Oliver said to Rosalina and Melody. "If you don't need anything from the back, go ahead and get in."

"Yes sir." Melody said as she disappeared, presumably just teleported inside.

Rosalina nodded as she stepped in and was surprised to find someone else inside the van; it was an older man, he was dressed in a white naval suit and the left side of his chest was adorned with multiple badges, and a name. "Terix"

"Princess Novasong, I presume." The man said. "A pleasure to meet you in person."

Rosalina trembled upon hearing the name because she thought that she was led into a trap. But his voice sounded familiar.

While she was frozen in fear Joseph came behind her and noticed the man. "Father?"

The single word was strong enough to break Rosalina's trance and calm her down.

"What are you doing here?" Joseph said as he approached him.

"You didn't think that I would let my only son leave and not say goodbye in person, did you?"

"Wait..." Rosalina said. "Father! As in he is D-D-D-D-Director Forrest Terix?!?!"

"The one and only." Director Forrest said.

"I-I-I don't know how to act--- how should I—"

"Get in already." Oliver said as he pushed Rosalina inside.

She quickly lost her balance and fell on Josephs hand who caught her.

"Are you okay?" Joseph asked.

"Yeah." She answered. "Thank you."

"Please forgive Oliver." Forrest said. "He is in super protective mode, and he does anything he has to do without caring for other people comfort zones."

"I see."

"Please sit."

Joseph and Rosalina sat down on chairs that faced the one that Forrest was sitting on, their backs faced the front of the van while Forrest and beside him, Melody, sat facing the front of the van.

"Thank you for the ride father." Joseph said. "It's a very long walk to get there on our own."

"I have to go to Renan Lake which is where the UN embassy is. Thought I might as well drop you there. Tell me, where do you plan on going from here?"

"We managed to get this map, but as it is very old, I have a theory on what planet it might be but I would be happier if someone else could confirm it."

"May I see this map?"

"Of course." Joseph said as he placed the map on his phone and gave it to Forrest.

"Hmm... this map tells me that the planet you are looking for is either Alpha Utrax or Lonor Prime." Forrest said as he handed the phone back. "Those two planets trade that position with each other every couple of decades; and considering that Coryzen is about two hundred years old at this point since it was colonized, and that the old city is probably older, I doubt that it could be any other planet."

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