Chapter Two.

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Two days passed and after getting much needed rest and care, Masha decided to head back home. Usually, Masha would get a few calls from her mother but this time around there was not one call. It worried Masha a little because if her mother wasn't blowing up her phone then something was up or she was up to something.

Masha walked up the stairs to their apartment located in the heart of South Dallas. It wasn't necessarily a decent neighborhood but since everyone knew everyone it was somewhat peaceful but at night time suddenly the area becomes Gotham city.

Masha fished her key out of her purse and unlocked the door then opened it, "Momma, I'm home," Masha announced and Masha's orange cat, Poppers came bouncing happily and immediately clutched himself to her leg then jerked his head to the side then sunk his teeth into her leg. "Ah, shit. Poppers get on somewhere!" Masha said as she shook him off then the cat immediately took off running quickly.

An older woman in her mid-forties comes out of the kitchen holding a pan, "Oh, you're back!" Masha's mother Sharon announced. She was a spitting image of Masha but slightly older in appearance, she had her hair in a low bun. She wore a blue wrap dress that hugged her curves. She smiled at Masha as she sat the pan of squash casserole on the dining table.

"Look, what I made," Sharon grinned at her daughter.

Masha's eyes raked her mother and this woman seemed too chipper when she looked like a zombie most days. Usually, her mother was in her room, or she was out doing something she wasn't supposed to.

"What's the occasion? Why are you wearing your good dress?" Masha questioned.

Sharon laughed and she motioned for Masha to sit down, "Chile, come and sit down and stop questioning your Momma," Sharon grunted and pulled Masha to sit down at the dinner table.

Masha felt Poppers come and rub his head against her shin and her eyes drifted to the table back to her mother who danced her way back into the kitchen. "You're usually not here or in your room watching your stories," Masha replied and Sharon came back out with a cake.

"I'm in a good mood. Besides, we are going to be rich," Sharon smiled.

Masha rolled her eyes because it was one of her mother's little schemes and whenever she said they were going to be rich it was always a scam or someone talking in her ear. For some reason it was always one of her coked out friends talking in her ear.

"What is it now?"Masha questioned.

Sharon smiled and she sat in front of Masha, she grabbed her daughter's hand. "You know Tony?" Sharon started and Masha let out a huff, "Yeah I know that dumb ass, why are you still talking to this man?" Masha hissed and Sharon quickly hushed her child. "Tony had given me an investment opportunity and I took it, so we're going to get rich," Sharon beamed and Masha shook her head as she jerked her hand away.

"I'm going to take Poppers to the vet," Masha sighed as she got up.

Masha reached down and picked up Poppers, the chubby orange kitten started to bite gently at Masha's hand as she carried him over to his crate that was placed near the dining room and then put him inside.

"Why not stay for a little to celebrate?" Sharon pouted.

Masha ignored her mother as she walked into her room. Her room had bookshelves on each wall of the room. On top of the bookshelves were plants, cute knick nacks that she gathered through the years. Pictures on the wall of Masha and Lola as children. Also, some pictures of her family with her father's face blacked out in each picture. Clothes scattered the floor from rushing to get dressed and her bed had her childhood plushies that all smiled and looked happy.

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