Chapter Four.

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The smell of coffee filled the room and Masha sat in a mini daze as she took a sip of her coffee. A laptop sat in front of her and MS Excel pulled up on the computer and Mr. Han stood in front of Masha as he spoke. It had been two hours of Mr. Han's nonstop talking. Masha retained as much information as the first hour but the second hour felt so long because he had such a monotone voice, no enthusiasm, and no sense of passion.

Masha could hardly even follow without the feel of her eyes droop every five seconds.

"Ms. Ansari?" Mr. Han called her name.

Masha jumped slightly and she looked at Masha, "Yes sir?" She quipped and Mr. Han's narrowed at Masha, he leaned against the table and grunted, "Am I boring you?" Mr. Han remarked. Masha was always known for her brutal honesty, sometimes she could be too honest.

"Yes," Masha answered.

Mr. Han's eyes widened slightly and cleared his throat, "Well, do you have suggestion? Since I'm so boring that you can hardly pay attention," he crooned and Masha hummed as she tapped her finger against the table. "Maybe have a little more enthusiasm in your voice also maybe smiling a little, would be nice," Masha responded and Mr. Han's eyes darkened as he stared at her, Masha stared back for a moment but after a moment, she slowly looked away. "Or not," she muttered.

Mr. Han closed his eyes for a moment and he exhaled, "Ms. Ansari, please don't make me regret hiring you," Mr. Han started and Masha clicked her tongue, "Don't make me regret taking this job," Masha huffed at him.

The room fell silent quickly.

Mr. Han rubbed his face and took his glasses off, "I'm going to send you to the secretary across the way and have her train you," Mr. Han sighed and Masha immediately shook her head. "Please don't," she said and she looked at the door. "She seems so mean. I said hi to her this morning and yesterday and she pretended that I wasn't there. I think she's you know..." Masha trailed off.

Mr. Han waited for her to finish her sentence, "What?" He questioned.

"Racist," Masha whispered.

Mr. Han crossed his arms and sighed, "Ms. Ansari, I will not sit here and gossip about anyone. Please, make your way to Ms. Winston and leave the door open," Mr. Han motioned to the door and Masha clicked her tongue, she grabbed the laptop and looked Mr. Han up and down, "I'm not gossiping, it's facts. One of the front desk ladies told me to watch out for her," Masha huffed and she walked off from the table.

Masha walked out of the office.

Mr. Han stared at the door as he crossed his arms, he sat down for a moment as he listened.

"I have to train you? Why are you even here? I don't remember this place hiring unqualified people."

"I was told to come to you, ma'am."

"Of course, I always have to deal with the incompetent. Just sit."

The more he sat, the more listened to Ms. Winston and he got angrier and angrier by the second. Mr. Han honestly wished he had listened. He knew the older woman had a chip on her shoulder but he didn't think she was that bad.

Zhao gently pushed his glasses up his face and sighed as he grabbed his white coat and slipped it on. He walked from behind his desk and walked out of the office.

His eyes darted to Masha and Ms. Winston, Masha sat next to Ms. Winston as the older lady talked. Masha listened intently, "Right here is where the time slots are put. Always put the name of the patient and the type of procedure in the collum below including which room, you leave out any of these details then it's going to confuse," Ms. Winston explained and Masha's eyes scattered across the computer screen then she gently pointed at the screen. "Right here, what's this collum? I know you explained the rest but what's the difference between this and NetPratice? I have to put both information on each program right?" Masha asked out of curiosity.

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