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After the whole vomit saga, I washed up and we went to bed.



NALEDI: O so robetse?

ZWIDE: Yini, yonke into e right? (What, is everything okay?)

NALEDI: If ...if I hadn't miscarried the child I  had with Kopano, what would you have done?

ZWIDE: Where is this coming from Naledi? All I'm trying to do is to sleep mama.

NALEDI: If you just answered me o ka kgona ho robala.

ZWIDE: I would've killed it and gave you an even better one.
Oh wow.

NALEDI: Why am I not shocked? Too bad neh now you can't.

ZWIDE: Maybe I'm being punished for all the things I've done by not being given an opportunity to be a father.But you,you don't deserve that.

NALEDI: Well there's nothing we can do now.

ZWIDE: Did I answer your question?

NALEDI: Yes. Nx robala.
He pulled me in closer and I dosed off.

*the next morning*

I guess it's safe to say I'm really getting worried now. My period hasn't arrived, Im nauseous . Mathatha fela. My fiancé decided to take me to the doctor to make sure that there was nothing major going on.

DR:The blood tests are back let me just...

ZWIDE: Yebo. Bengisa cela uguthi usheshe lapho,I have a meeting I have to attend. (Yes,could you please hurry up over there)

DR: Ofcourse Mr Zwide.
Whoo khana he's popular this side.

DR:Here you you.
He said handing the envelope over to zwide and Zwide immediately passed it over to me.

I slowly opened it and read what it said.
Heh banna

NALEDI :Uhmm doctor I think you made a mistake here ....
I pointed to the part where it clearly stated that I was 4 weeks pregnant.  My infertile ass could never.

DR:These are 100 percent accurate ntokazi. You can take a test if you would like. (Miss)

NALEDI: Ha ke hloke di test, I'm infertile. I had a miscarriage once and that was it.

ZWIDE: Ithini lento?( What is this thing saying? )
He grabbed the paper and scanned through it.

ZWIDE: Bega la dokotela, ngik khokhela imali eningi kabi for you to be giving me this bullshit.(Look here doctor, I pay you alot if money..)

DR:Mr Zwide blood tests ...

NALEDI: They're wrong. You know what, Zwide let me take the damn test we have nothing to lose.

At that the doctor walked to a drawer and handed me a cup .

DR:The bathroom is on the left.
I left and went to the bathroom. I can't wait to see the look on his face when the damn pregnancy test comes back negative.

I came back with the cup and he took a pregnancy test stick and placed it in my urine.

DR:Now we wait.

2 minutes later he said it was ready for us to look.
I confidently picked it up covered it with it's cap and waved it in his face.

NALEDI: Bona hee , doctor kwena!

DR:'s positive.

I turned it around and it showed me 2 lines.

I looked at Zwide and threw it on the table. He picked it up and shook his head.

ZWIDE: Take another one.

DR:I don't understand why...

ZWIDE: Eyy wena! Letha ipregnancy test!.(Bring the pregnancy test.)
The doctor did the same thing with a different pregnancy test stick and it still came out positive.  How though?

DR:Look it's only advisable you weigh out your options, you can book another appointment and once you reach 5 weeks we'll be able to do an ultrasound.

I gave a nod and left his office, Zwide followed suit.
We got in the car and he drove to a petrol station.

Am I really pregnant? That could explain why my period isnt here yet but.....

ZWIDE: Naledi I'm talking to you.


ZWIDE: O right?

NALEDI: I'm hungry. Can you buy me some... sommmmeeeee.

ZWIDE: Decide phela.

NALEDI: Zwide.  I'm thinking.What do you want?

ZWIDE: Whatever you want.

NALEDI: You know what I want? Buy me di chips tsa spur...oh and some wings from chicken licken mara eseng tse hot ,tse shapo fela.

ZWIDE: You want me to go to spur and chicken licken?

NALEDI: Ah ,it's fine. I'll take myself. Ohhh ice cream!

ZWIDE: Yini ngathi o ne bipolar wena.

NALEDI: I need to pee.

ZWIDE: Why didn't you say anything when we were at the garage.

NALEDI:Hai ache. Wena you always complain.

ZWIDE: I complain? Ai yazini sthandwa sam...I'll forgive ngoba umithi. (I'll forgive you because you're pregnant. )

NALEDI: Oh come on,you really don't believe that do you?

ZWIDE: We'll talk about this when we get home.

NALEDI: We're going home?

ZWIDE: The guest house Naledi.


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